[NetBehaviour] I hate blockchain plantoids by O’Khaos - that's probably why they are great
Annie Abrahams
bram.org at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 13:17:52 CEST 2017
hi Antye, it wasn't, but it is now (quick post)
hugs to you
On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at 12:36 PM, AG Forever <agf at poemproducer.com> wrote:
> annie is this letter somewhere online ?
> i have a few blockchain folllowers on twitter like to send them
> hugs
> sound & curation
> AGF: @poemproducer / .com
> sound wave : antyegreie.com
> On 25 Sep 2017, at 19:07, Annie Abrahams <bram.org at gmail.com> wrote:
> This email is there to try to pen down some of my very visceral negative
> reactions to *Plantoid - The Birth of a Blockchain-Based Lifeform* (p 51
> -61)in *Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain* https://
> liverpooluniversitypress.co.uk/products/100826
> <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fliverpooluniversitypress.co.uk%2Fproducts%2F100826&h=ATNEs0nnPcLJWLOQZC1lr4zg6_HnLN4VOf5jwuSFYsd9VLmhjzD0QWv3li7w0MSz5MRxG7vxgY1PxYvYA_KN1x_2yTP1EYlsjSw4G_oKt3ec48l8Ps8Xc-6SCdRlAybUdjsWXXChJzhpFTAZOtM9UQKoh-MBnNg>
> Let me first say that Plantoid is a great project, because it makes some
> implications of the Blockchain technology very evident and poses a lot of
> questions.
> P 54 "All code deployed on a blockchain comes with a guarantee of
> execution, by engaging with a Plantoid, people are contractually bound to,
> and cannot deviate from the rules stipulated into the underlying smart
> contract code."
> Building a Plantoid is done by humans, of course they can deviate ... and
> if not, they are stupid to participate and become slaves... (maybe there is
> something I don't understand here)
> P.55 "The Plantoid continuously monitors its Bitcoin balance and whenever
> it realizes, that a particular threshold has been reached, the Plantoid
> will be able to use this money to initiate it's own reproduction"
> A Plantoid has no conscience as far as I know, so I don't think it can
> realize something - It's calculation and rules that trigger an action - a
> Plantoid isn't living. Being made of code and rules is not the same as
> having a soul.
> p 58 " Indeed, the DNA of every Plantoid, that is, all the logic and rules
> that govern its growth and reproduction are recorded on the Ethereum
> blockchain. These may include certain distinctive aesthetic or physical
> requirements ..... that will affect the scope of creativity and the room
> for discretion left to the artists commissioned to produce the next
> Plantoid."
> So Plantoid seems to be conservative, reinforcing the characteristics it
> started with.
> Artists will have to make propositions for the next level Plantoid within
> the rules and logic on the blockchain. Contributors can vote the for these
> by sending micro-transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain of their choice.
> All will be weighted by the amouths contributed and the smartcontract will
> process it and establish a winner.
> Grrrrrr, automatised decissions Grrrrr anything can come out of such a
> thing Grrrrr, no discussion, the winner is not necessary what is wished for
> ...
> P 59 " ....the reproduction process, the evolution of Plantoids follow a
> Darwinist approach" ....
> Does it? Darwinism changed a lot over time.
> The essential concept of "mutation" (for evolution) doesn't seem to have a
> place in the Plantoid blockchain project. Mutation would mean a change of
> code, an intervention in the basic rules and logic of the blockchain and
> that seems to be impossible .... Adaption to the environment is not the
> same as mutation!
> p60 "Each Plantoid is forever and inextricably connected to both its
> ancestors and its descendants, with whom it can communicate through a
> shared blockchain-based network."
> I vigorously disagree with the use of the word "communicate" here. Even if
> it's use could be correct, it is misleading because of our day to day use
> of the word. The block-chain based network exists for us to see, to
> conceptualise, but a Plantoid can not communicate inside it. Plantoids are
> part of a chain, network of rules and logic, they don't exchange inside it.
> Information is linked, coupled, that's all.
> winners and so losers, determined by calculation only
> conservative
> not living at all
> That's what I understood
> Best
> Annie
> --
> *The Laboratory of Networked Behavior* Article by Randall Packer :
> randallpacker.com/the-laboratory-of-networked-behavior/
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