[NetBehaviour] family/group workshops at Furtherfield tomorrow

Michael Szpakowski m at michaelszpakowski.org
Fri Apr 6 11:39:27 CEST 2018

thanks Annie!warmest wishesMichael

      From: Annie Abrahams <bram.org at gmail.com>
 To: Michael Szpakowski <m at michaelszpakowski.org>; NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> 
 Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 10:33 AM
 Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] family/group workshops at Furtherfield tomorrow
this is super

have a nice day you all

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 11:09 AM, Michael Szpakowski <m at michaelszpakowski.org> wrote:

Hi all
I’m leading some workshops tomorrow, Saturday 9th April  (and also on Sun April 22 and  Mon 7 May )  at Furtherfield Gallery in Finsbury Park in connection with the Eduardo Kac show which opens there tonight:

https://www.furtherfield.org/ events/poetry-for-animals- machines-and-aliens-the-art- of-eduardo-kac/
The workshops will be for groups/families, are particular suitable for mixed kids and adults groupings but can be done by anyone who can contact their inner child…

They will involve designing giant rabbit drawings and then drawing them by walking them out across Finsbury Park using GPS tracking. All participants will receive a hi-res, printable digital file of their design over  a Google Earth image of the park with their signatures appended.

Each session will take about 1.25 hours and the day will run from 11 to approx 4:30. The sessions are supposed to be drop in but if anyone from this list had a group who’d like to come give me a shout back-channel with an approximate time and I’ll pencil you in ( although I will obviously leave most slots open for people on the day)

https://www.furtherfield.org/ events/lets-fill-this-park- with-rabbits/
( you can see one of my trial runs in Harlow Town Park at the top -I’m sure you can do better…)

It’d be really nice to meet anyone London based from the list & their friends/family/whatever who fancied coming, to collaborate on a giant rabbit and of course, to see what promises to be a fascinating show.

best wishes

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