[NetBehaviour] Fw: brutal job and course cuts where I work -please sign the petition
marc.garrett at protonmail.com
Wed Apr 11 00:14:27 CEST 2018
Hi Michael,
I have signed it but will add comments tomorrow when I've got more time - they are utter scum.
wishing you & those losing their jobs well.
Marc Garrett
Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.
Art, technology and social change, since 1996
Furtherfield Gallery & Commons in the park
Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQhttp://www.furtherfield.org/gallery
Currently writing a PhD at Birkbeck University, London
Just published: Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain
Eds, Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Nathan Jones, & Sam Skinner
Liverpool Press - http://bit.ly/2x8XlMK
Sent with [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.com) Secure Email.
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On 10 April 2018 8:50 PM, Michael Szpakowski <m at michaelszpakowski.org> wrote:
> [Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone](https://yho.com/footer0)
> Begin forwarded message:
> On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 8:27 pm, Michael Szpakowski <m at michaelszpakowski.org> wrote:
>> Thanks so much Gill!
>> [Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone](https://yho.com/footer0)
>> On Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 7:42 pm, Gill Davies <gill.davies at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Signed, Michael. Best of luck.
>>> On 10 April 2018 at 19:38, Michael Szpakowski <m at michaelszpakowski.org> wrote:
>>>> And for those of you who have a connection with the course and with Writtle, please leave a comment...If you're an artist or writer &c any sort also please identify yourself... :)
>>>> I'm pasting below my sig the motion passed today nem con in our UCU branch meeting..
>>>> Please also tweet, FB, e mail...
>>>> thanks!
>>>> Michael
>>>> [Sign the Petition](https://www.change.org/p/tessmaths1-gmail-com-defend-education-at-writtle-university-college-no-to-course-cuts-no-to-redundancies/share_for_starters?just_created=true)
>>>> Sign the Petition
>>>> tessmaths1 at gmail.com: Defend Education at Writtle university College! No to course cuts, no to redundancies!
>>>> This branch feels a sense of déjà vu.
>>>> This branch notes that whilst members, other teachers and support staff were conscientiously doing their usual best the entire senior management team failed.
>>>> Failed to see any problem coming, failed to open up any sort of discussion and failed to show any concern for staff as evidenced by the inept and cold-blooded way in which a package of course cuts and job losses was presented as a fait accompli, the day before the Easter holiday weekend.
>>>> This branch notes the Vice Chancellor’s highly insulting comment
>>>> “We have not driven the business to achieve excellence – our portfolio, in HE especially, is too broad for us to be outstanding in all fields of study”
>>>> (‘Strategic Change Agenda’ p3 bullet point three)
>>>> This branch notes that the VC and presumably the SMT believes that Writtle University College is a ‘business’ (ibid.) rather than an educational institution.
>>>> This branch notes the hugely successful campaign waged by our colleagues in the pre 1992 universities to defend their pension rights and also the recent no-confidence vote by Open University UCU members in their vice chancellor when faced with a similar package of cuts, a similar rationale and similarly insulting language.
>>>> This branch believes in education.
>>>> This branch believes that the entire SLT at Writtle has failed, we have no confidence in it and therefore resolve to call upon all its members to resign forthwith and for the governors to replace it with a team which believes that the 100 year plus educational legacy of Writtle deserves celebrating and defending, rather than yet another round of cuts.
>>>> This branch further resolves to call upon the governors to withdraw the cuts and closure proposal by the end of this week. If the package is not withdrawn then a dispute will exist between the UCU and WUC and we will seek permission to ballot for industrial action.
>>>> This branch resolves to inform students of what is happening, both directly and through the NUS and to seek their active support for a public campaign against the cuts package including, but not limited to, social media and a Change.org petition.
>>>> In addition we resolve to seek common ground in fighting the cuts with our colleagues in other WUC unions and other UCU branches.
>>>> Passed nem. con.
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