[NetBehaviour] the ruins after the ruins / fissure ontology / note from the future to the future -> Occupy ->

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Apr 22 01:01:25 CEST 2018

the ruins after the ruins / fissure ontology

note from the future to the future -> Occupy ->

https://youtu.be/L5t96F1je-w the ruins after the ruins

ruins x, ontology x, flat ontology x, splatter semiotics x

Well, what might be ok is ok here, there's only objects in the
distance, fissures and from this viewpoint, everything is
fissure, the same begetting the same, the flattening of
inscription, inscription in turmoil relegated to a subcategory
of epistemology, where the quantum characteristics are smeared
across the real of this or any other world and, let's get
started! Let's make a gender!!

let's think of splatter semiotics, where everything local meets
and the world struggles with inferential logics and the desire
to live forever. let's think of ontology itself as corrosion,
rust, smut, let's continue in our local neighborhood, break down
the boundaries, think of everything we know.

let's think of everything we know -

Oh well, let's get going!
It's impossible to decide on behavior!
What do you want to call this thing you're making?

what does it matter? what we call it today will be lost
tomorrow, this text will be lost today, "never mind tomorrow" -
calling is only a calling-forth in the local group, no one speaks
babel-onian any more. or do they?

Well, that this might be discoverable here, in this format, this
note from the future to the future - already constructs trouble
for us, subverting the categories we take for granted. Beneath
the surface, that this might be discoverable here, in this
format, this note from the future to the future - is 8595,
neutral, other worlds in this regard, all of them, are
irretrievable: the same broken from the same from the turmoil
surrounding the truth, cosmology, and theorization of the big
bang and its subsequent predecessors? But what is neutrality
here, its constitution?

Wait! that this might be discoverable here, in this format, this
note from the future to the future - and 8595 are gone forever!

Is it ever a question of numbers? Which imply -1 , 0, +1 and the
like? somewhere, something arbitrary, Weyl called it the ego?
that might be useful, some sense of a local corral, boundary,
what we might called an inscription before that too fractures,
dissolves, back to fissures, sinters - that process -

that this might be discoverable here, in this format, this note
from the future to the future -:other worlds in this regard, all
of them, are irretrievable: the same broken from the same from
the turmoil surrounding the truth, cosmology, and theorization
of the big bang and its subsequent predecessors:1:what might be
ok is ok here, there's only objects in the distance, fissures
and from this viewpoint, everything is fissure, the same
begetting the same, the flattening of inscription, inscription
in turmoil relegated to a subcategory of epistemology, where the
quantum characteristics are smeared across the real of this or
any other world and:that this might be discoverable here, in
this format, this note from the future to the future -

in the sense of a repetition, the +1 marching forward, we'll
take this space, Occupy, as if that were a possibility -

that this might be discoverable here, in this format, this note
from the future to the future -:other worlds in this regard, all
of them, are irretrievable: the same broken from the same from
the turmoil surrounding the truth, cosmology, and theorization
of the big bang and its subsequent predecessors:1:what might be
ok is ok here, there's only objects in the distance, fissures
and from this viewpoint, everything is fissure, the same
begetting the same, the flattening of inscription, inscription
in turmoil relegated to a subcategory of epistemology, where the
quantum characteristics are smeared across the real of this or
any other world and:that this might be discoverable here, in
this format, this note from the future to the future -

this flat future, flat past; this incipient present, this
present in the sense of a gift, neither a moment in time nor a
moment in space, an engenderment, always already

    86  perl a/gender.pl > kk
    87  more kk
    88  ls
    89  more trace
    90  rev trace >> kk
    91  rev .trace >> kk
    92  more enfolding
    93  cp enfolding >> kk
    94  cat enfolding >> kk

enfolding scattering, the crease or ledge, the disappeared

-> Occupy ->

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