[NetBehaviour] Call for Papers - II Interface Politics Conference “After Post-truth” [Barcelona] - Deadline June 20th

Joana Moll joana.moll at hangar.org
Wed Jun 13 21:46:36 CEST 2018

Call for Papers - “After Post-truth”

2nd Interface Politics Conference / BAU - Design College [Barcelona]

Critical approaches to creativity in the age of multi-truth. The
perspective of art, design, grassroots technology, pedagogy, activism,
user cultures and other collective practices. Contributors from diverse
disciplinary backgrounds are invited to submit communications that
address this theme through a high variety of possible angles such as:

++ Mutations in the semiotic production of truth in the current social
and technological context

++ New forms of power in a networked society, the decline of public
sphere and its future:

++ The crisis of traditional representation and new ways of seeing: the
design of transparency, aesthetics of obfuscation, and user subcultures.

+ Conference dates: November 28-29-30, 2018
+ Submission deadline: June 20, 2018
+ Submission link:

+ Submission should be sent by June 20, 2018 (included) to
callforpapers at gredits.org

Further inquiries about the congress and the submission process should
be addressed to callforpapers at gredits.org

Joana Moll

Critical Interface Politics

The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms

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