[NetBehaviour] out

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Jun 26 16:01:16 CEST 2018



4       h >> oo
5       wc oo
6       pico oo
4       h >> oo
5       wc oo
6       pico oo
1	ls 2 l 3 It is the voice of the enlightenment it is the
   voice of the enlightened one To have in the 1st place Figured
   out that olmes are not the only thing that can occur that can
   occur at the prompt of a terminal in Linux beyond this I don't
   think there is anything one can say or do that will produce
   enlightenment. enlightenment is a state Enlightenment is a
   state of mind Weather it is my mind or your mind. and that is
   the ultimate dilemma that is produced in this kind of world .
   Where is there is nothing to eat nothing to say as we stare at
   her own ghost As we stare at her own ghosts Trying to reach A
   plane of existence World where reincarnation will cease to
   exist. I did all that period And nothing came of it. I am
   still here dictating. And nothing comes of this either.
k3% It is the voice of the enlightenment it is the voice of the
enlightened one To have in the 1st place Figured out that olmes
are not the only thing that can occur that can occur at the
prompt of a terminal in Linux beyond this I don't think there is
anything one can say or do that will produce enlightenment.
enlightenment is a state Enlightenment is a state of mind
Weather it is my mind or your mind. and that is the ultimate
dilemma that is produced in this kind of world . Where is there
is nothing to eat nothing to say as we stare at her own ghost As
we stare at her own ghosts Trying to reach A plane of existence
World where reincarnation will cease to exist. I did all that
period And nothing came of it. I am still here dictating. And
nothing comes of this either.

Mon Jun 25 00:10:56 EDT 2018

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