[NetBehaviour] Natural World

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed May 2 16:47:04 CEST 2018

Natural World


"As with all natural languages, the natural world must not be
considered a particular semiotic system but rather a place for
the elaboration and practice of multiple semiotic systems."
(Greimas, Courtes, Semiotics and Language, An Analytical

**/ the quasi-logical structure of the lifeworld. but which
lifeworld, which state of confusion, which state of health:
consideration of obsessional neurosis as the holding-forth of
the world, radical deposition

the potential for philosophical investigation through
audio-visual and other media. but what style, what genre: whose
investigation, what gender, what methodology, what deployment of
desire: questions of periodization, extension of media on a
continuous feed-forward basis, inextricably tied down to
corporate research and development programs /**

*/ listen you, i am an ignorant tip of your world's economy;
listen you, my skin rips, it is so very soft; listen you, there
is no room for kindness; i go towards my doom in rusted cities;
i swallow my doom in violent seas; there are no fish; there's
nothing anywhere; brother, brother, do not save me; sister,
sister, you are my sister no longer; i go emptied into you;
i beg you, kill me; i beg you, kill me, kill again; /*

Derrida on Heidegger: "Erasure of the name, then, here of the
name of the rock which would designate the possibility of naming
the rock itself, _as such_ and accessible in its being-rock.
This erasing would mark in _our_ language, by avoiding a word,
this inability of the animal to name. But this is first of all
the inability to open itself to the _as such_ of the thing. It
is not of the rock _as such_ that the lizard has experience.
That is why the name of the rock must be erased when we want to
designate what the lizard is stretched out upon." (On Spirit:
Heidegger and the Question, p. 53.) One suffers Heidegger: it
reaches through me, comes through me, how could i not believe?
Wed May 2 00:20:02 DST 2018:

Wed May  2 01:23:19 EDT 2018: How could I believe?

it reaches through me, comes through me; how could i not believe
in Please come home now. The Fire dept. had to crash in to your
home, but I Wed May 2 00:42:06 DST 2018
because it constitutes a sheen difficult or impossible to
inscribe;Wed May 2 00:42:54 DST 2018
Wed May  2 00:20:02 DST 2018
they're more than familiar, they're family
Wed May 2 00:21:18 DST 2018

*lovebove or below the bar, a name that would live constantly,
only in Wed May 2 00:36:36 DST 2018

in the camp which is the zoo we watch our triumph over the
demise of the to reproduce until a plateau of stability is
realized, but for what end;Wed May 2 00:37:36 DST 2018

you will suffer and your suffering will be good, you can be
absolved in Wed May 2 00:38:03 DST 2018
Wed May  2 00:38:39 DST 2018
, be not suspicious or accepting,
Wed May 2 00:39:13 DST 2018

i paste myself into existence :: i paste myself out of existence
::  i could never tell you where the statement might be; what
might be the
Wed May 2 00:41:28 DST 2018

PLease come home now. The Fire dept. had to crash in to your
home, but I Wed May 2 00:41:58 DST 2018

listen you, i am an ignorant tip of your world's economy; listen
you, my
Wed May 2 00:43:39 DST 2018
Wed May 2 00:43:40 DST 2018

Wed May  2 00:48:59 DST 2018
nikuko says: i'm on the road, i'm traveling in a strange
land.you are that witness
Wed May 2 00:54:47 DST 2018
virtual subjectivity and its relation to protocols, the
imaginary, and
Wed May 2 00:55:27 DST 2018
Wed May  2 00:48:59 DST 2018

listen you, i am an ignorant tip of your world's economy; listen
you, my
Wed May 2 00:49:11 DST 2018
Nettime Thread Index (200104) ... Is Mark Dery an Absolute
Idiot? Read
Wed May 2 00:50:15 DST 2018

Peter .diot'sin 1995 i died holding her picture in my hands
Wed May 2 00:51:58 DST 2018
she looked at my tiniest gift shortly after with greatest
Wed May 2 00:52:12 DST 2018
ka vicious gang of road warriors is terrorizing a town cto take
the lives
Wed May 2 00:52:44 DST 2018
the way it works it begins with an equivalence annulled:
Wed May 2 00:53:09 DST 2018
nikuko says: hello alan, i'm on the road, i can't see anything
any more. Wed May 2 00:54:02 DST 2018

nikuko says: it is darker and darker, the darkness of black
Wed May 2 00:54:21 DST 2018
the quasi-logical structure of the lifeworld. but which
lifeworld, which?
Wed May 2 00:55:51 DST 2018
Wed May  2 00:55:55 DST 2018


Wed May  2 01:24:55 EDT 2018: How could I believe?

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