[NetBehaviour] The Doubter's Mysteries - the Resurrection of Jesus

Edward Picot julian.lesaux at gmail.com
Sun Aug 11 21:17:04 CEST 2019


As always, thanks for the response. I've never seen 'Good Omens' - 
probably just as well, or it might have influenced me. I agree with you 
about the differences between Old Testament and New Testament, though. 
To me the Old Testament is more mythic/poetic, whereas the New Testament 
is more of a direct challenge, it makes me feel more anxious, and I 
think that's because in many ways it feeds straight into the modern era. 
It's asking us at every turn whether we believe it or not - and I find 
myself constantly going through a process of thinking 'Okay, I can 
believe in this bit (eg. the Sermon on the Mount), but I can't buy into 
that bit (eg. the resurrection)'. But the magnificent thing, which it 
shares with the Old Testament, is that it's prepared to acknowledge 
other points of view - Doubting Thomas being a case in point. 'I won't 
believe it until I see it with my own eyes.' It seems to me that the 
Jewish tradition of writing is quite different from other ancient 
traditions in that respect.


On 09/08/2019 22:05, Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour wrote:
> Hi, just 'got' to this, it reminds me of the tv show Good Omens. Like 
> the play, I've never gotten with the 'Son of God' in any form, why not 
> Children of God, let it go at that? I don't think J. made any such 
> claims himself, everything was the craziness years later. Meanwhile on 
> the darker side of things I keep thinking also of Mel Gibson's passion 
> film - which is anti-semitic, ugly. The New T. reminds me of something 
> sutured, confimed; the Old T. is all over the place, contradictory, a 
> collocation of texts from everywhere. The New is kinder. For me the 
> Old is more interesting because more alien on one hand, then thanks to 
> trump etc., all too familiar. I've often wondered where the 
> resurrection came from, the cave, rising from the dead, etc. etc. - 
> very strange. And then why Joseph's sperm set aside? And Joseph? All 
> this melds uncomfortably for me because of its current ramifications 
> in the U.S. People hold onto their beliefs w/ their teeth bared - look 
> at Kashmir now ... Anyway, thank you! These are some of the thoughts 
> that came to mind, roiling out and confused of course - your text here 
> is great - the weaving of the strands of memory and future-text, 
> already the hardening of positions. Mary M. is by far the most 
> interesting of anyone - forget which gospel - her sexual relationship 
> w/ Jesus - looked it up - Gospel of Philip - etc. - from my viewpoint, 
> at least they're human -
> Best, Alan
> On Sun, Aug 4, 2019 at 9:02 AM Edward Picot via NetBehaviour 
> <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org 
> <mailto:netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org>> wrote:
>     Dear all,
>     'The Doubter's Mysteries' are an attempt to write a short cycle of
>     Mystery Plays - ie. plays based on Bible stories, like the Medieval
>     Mystery Plays of York, Chester and Wakefield - from the point of
>     view of
>     a sceptical modern audience; an audience which either doesn't
>     believe in
>     God, or can't work out what he's playing at.
>     There are fourteen of these plays, and the eleventh is now online:
>     'The
>     Trial of Jesus'.
>     http://edwardpicot.com/mysteries/12theresurrectionofjesus.html (or
>     for
>     the full series so far, visit http://edwardpicot.com/mysteries)
>     Edward
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