[NetBehaviour] CFP SIGGRAPH Art Papers in Leonardo journal - 14 & 23 Jan Deadline

Danielle Siembieda dsiembieda at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 2 06:24:15 CET 2019

Details: https://www.leonardo.info/opportunity/siggraph-art-papers-in-leonardo-journal

The SIGGRAPH Art Papers program brings together communities of researchers and practitioners working at the intersections of art, design, humanities, science, and technology.

The Art Papers program brings together communities of practitioners and researchers working at the cross-sections of art, design, humanities, science, and technology. Proposals can be submitted in one of six categories: 1) Project description; 2) Contemporary computational art, including theory/criticism; 3) Methods/techniques of creative practices; and 4) Media Art History/Media Archaeology of Artifacts and the Arts; 5) Experimental Design Practice; and 6) Indigenous and Aboriginal Communities, Arts, and Technology.


Tue, 14 Jan 2020, 22:00 +00:00


Thu, 23 Jan 2020, 22:00 +00:00


Submission Portal<https://ssl.linklings.net/conferences/siggraph/>
Manuscript Guidelines<https://s2020.siggraph.org/submissions/art-paper-submissions/art-papers-author-manuscript-guidelines/>

SIGGRAPH Art Papers in Leonardo Journal<https://www.leonardo.info/opportunity/siggraph-art-papers-in-leonardo-journal>
The SIGGRAPH Art Papers program brings together communities of researchers and practitioners working at the intersections of art, design, humanities, science, and technology. Published in Leonardo journal summer 2020. First deadline January 14 (Long Papers), January 23 (Short Papers)

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