[NetBehaviour] Saturday 7th, Distant Feeling(s) #7 - join us

Joumana Mourad joumana at ijaddancecompany.com
Wed Dec 4 15:18:43 CET 2019

Dear Annie and everyone on this group, next week IJAD is leading a round table discussion around Performances in the Digital space, can I use some of your work so we can talk about it?
On the other hand if anyone in London is interested we have 2 more spaces.

This round table is looking at bringing the performing arts communities, (dance, circus, parkour, theatre, musicals, etc..)together to stimulate debate in an area which has increasing relevance and provides increasing opportunity for audience reach and engagement.

Open Online Theatre invites forward-thinking performing artists, producers and journalists to join 1 or all 3 round table discussions about the impacts of live digital performance on practice, and how it re-configures audience engagement and monetisation of work. We seek people with a demonstrable interest in the above questions, as part of the development of an upcoming evaluation stage where artists gain training and opportunities to live stream work.

Those selected will be given the equivalent of a month’s live streaming on a dedicated channel.
Please send your application to hello at ijaddancecompany.com with Round Table Application and your name in the subject line.

Date: 10 December 2019 – 14:00 to 16:30
Further round tables in February and April 2020

> On 4 Dec 2019, at 14:08, Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> <DF#6a.jpg>
> We invite you to join us in our annual re-activation of Distant Feeling(s)*.
> We will once again share time together, online, without speaking and with our eyes closed.
> Distant Feeling(s) #7 will happen through a video-conferencing session in zoom** at the following url: https://zoom.us/j/5950825099 <https://zoom.us/j/5950825099>  
> Saturday Dec. 7th 6:00 - 6:15 PM GMT+1 (Paris time)
> Find your local time <https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20191207T060000&p1=195>.
> If possible join 5minutes before...
> Online.
> Open to all.
> Duration 15 min.
> A silent, yet sentient, relational encounter. A telematic embrace where nothing seems to happen and where the lack of action is precisely its potential for fighting alienation.
> We are performing absentia within the network, while the network is functioning.
> We research togetherness through the Internet as a way to counter its fallacy which drives the (im)possibility of collective strength.
> Can we find novelty in an already established system, and act from within, towards (an)other purpose(s)?
> *Distant Feeling(s) is a project by Annie Abrahams, Lisa Parra and Daniel Pinheiro. More information bram.org/distantF <http://bram.org/distantF> and landproject.tumblr.com <https://landproject.tumblr.com/post/188860558794/performing-absence-to-master-the-medium-merci>
> **If you want to join you need to install the zoom application on your device. Free download from https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting <https://zoom.us/download#client_4meeting> and connect to meeting...
> Hoping some of you will join us
> Annie and Daniel
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Joumana Mourad
Artistic Director
Tel: 07930 378 639
 <>Joumana at ijaddancecompany.com <mailto:Joumana at ijaddancecompany.com>
IJAD Dance Company
Registered Charity: 1080776 <tel:1080776>
www.ijaddancecompany.com <http://www.ijaddancecompany.com/>
Facebook: IJAD Dance Company page
Curator:http://www.openonlinetheatre.org <http://www.openonlinetheatre.org/>

Support IJAD
https://www.giveasyoulive.com/join/IJAD <https://www.giveasyoulive.com/join/IJAD>

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