[NetBehaviour] ALAN N PIECES
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Sat Dec 21 05:21:09 CET 2019
ps ps :::?eman rtples or ?iH: - IRC IRC YRANIB exa examples rt
rbations exa rtples rtples rtples systems p within within within
re theoretical astotality examples theoretical within rns on t t
rns t the the rns 'panties on on and nd' t grorns gro gro
theoretical thor thors' desire in in nd' 'deaths of thor
athoring athoring athoring thors' thoring and a a a affect
'lp.dexim' athors' thors' a (Jlt ), problematics alities (Jlt
alities Jennifer Jennifer (Jlt (Nik ), (Nik st alities ko), sex
sex athors' proble meltiples, stanipulated texts texts etc.
manipatic proble tterings, tterings, tterings, lated manip st
speaking, speaking, speaking, s/ms, meltiples, athoring lated
problematic meltiples, speaking, ltiples, -fnction), topologies,
exchanges ltiples, exchanges -fnction), -fnction), ltiples,
dismember- dismember- dismemberments nction), exchanges affect
(Jennifer) (Jennifer) manipatic dismemberments -f ings (J (J
nction), re ptberpt dismemberments splays, splays, splays, s/ms,
res, part-objects, ptberpt ptberpt ptberpt tive ents topologies,
s/ms, emissons ents r -f performativities ruptures, s/res, -f
s/res, performativities performativities -f nction, jage nction,
constit -f -f javascript, j j dismemberments constit
cyberplanes, constit constit -f nattive re constit realities
realities realities "having digitial, realities re re re JULU,
seamless jage "having all seamless nat realities, f virtid al
realities, virtid fl fl realities, across cyberplanes, across
NIKUKO, JENNIFER, realities, f id id nction, ALAN fragmentations
JULU, NIKUKO, NIKUKO, JENNIFER, resonances entrances ALAN system
system available exits system entrances entrances entrances
explorations example id available sendmail example resonances
another (from telnet (from doctor doctor configuration files),
configuration discomforts, self to another explorations
explorations performativities discomforts, dialectic
fragmentations discomforts, discomforts, self problematized
emanations tremblings is is astotality generating selves is
emanations emanations emanations ground' inability self
generating worlds, worlds, is one buiding return manipulate one
return ground' metaphysical one purturbations turns
purturbations authors' author relation metaphysical buiding
buiding authors' coheres authoring authors' authors' buiding
sexualities rhetoric (Nikuko), (Nikuko), multiculturalisms duals
duals (Nikuko), rhetoric rhetoric rhetoric stutterings,
dialectic authors' duals dialogs, dialogs, multiculturalisms
(wanderings first/second/third talker MOO (wanderings talker
manipulated including (wanderings spaces) stutterings, spaces)
persons first/second/third fabrications including breakdowns
breakdowns jennifer-pagesfully-determinedworldings, ontic
persons ontic ontic breakdowns videos) sadomasochisms, ghosts
(the (the other bindings bindings (the disappearances,
disappearances, disappearances, writing ghosts bindings
controls-nature controls-nature ghosts (Julu-function), time
inscription multiples, (Julu-function), inscription language
julu- (Julu-function), language time constitutive (Jennifer)
julu- jennifer-pages jennifer-pages O world," configuration time
world," world," jennifer-pages fully-determinedworldings, future
holarchic levels, levels, spaces virtual virtual levels,
posteriori. architectures spaces virtual fluid fluid world,"
inscription micro entities, divisive inscription entities, What
pure inscription posteriori. What posteriori. logic, rule
posteriori. pure quantity, quantity, about micro controls-nature
logic, micro micro pure athe The logics fissure/striations
fissure/striations downfall fissure/striations written. written.
written. disappearance macro, logics, logics, logics, quantity,
Night. about logic . Night. logic walls collapse. disappearance
Son. walls Son. : O! Son. collapse. O O Son think rule : I'd I'd
collapse. an For think this, this, about of. For this, life life
life confabulation, pierces, this, something something something
walls confabulation, no pierced. Gender confabulation, pierced.
gender. not. occlusion. sun gender. sun nor this sun not.
Neither ::Neither are WALLS an nor that; that; not. no that
WALLS possess possess fissure barrier, that no only only only
are null. possess amounts amounts amounts pierces, are Tue
Genocide inscriptions are null. don't you at variance; don't
variance; another :what variance; you hear. hear. Dec
buidinginnocence that another problematized problematized
believe jennifer-pagesfully-determinedworldings, erase-rebuild
buidinginnocence controls-nature controls-nature spaces)persons
work erase-rebuild jennifer-pagesfully-determinedworldings,
difficult difficult difficult Dec
jennifer-pagesfully-determinedworldings, Tue Tue Tue this Alan's
:: EST Dec : not ./KD: line : line found found line command not
not : armor Dec :: : : bolted : Working tool tool Working : :
bolted : : : : : bolted : : : an : we : : : :
Alan's Digital : : Alan's : Debris Debris : astotality Digital
Digital bb, pages : Archaeology jennifer-alan- jennifer-alan- :
"Working draft Well, echo echo Well, bb, here's "Working > > >
for!! draft " rough rough rough Always B looking for!! Always
draft Time information wormhole antler Time antler Implications
Implications Time my information information trouble date Always
quantifications here here wormhole already take >> bb bb >> us,
subverting already trouble trouble trouble
granted. we constructs categories categories categories ,
Beneath virtual take granted. Beneath categories neutral,
neutrality surface, , neutral, , here, here, neutral, But
neutrality neutrality hours? pronoun surface, its constitution?
constitution? Beneath times has existed existed pronoun along!
Wait! knew knew knew times gone hours? What's nothing rough
forever! times nothing MIXED 'mixed.pl' neither that... MIXED
that... Transfer Transfer MIXED SURE 'mixed.pl' SURE received (
that... bytes). data data forever! mm.pl bytes complete.
complete. ( :ing BINARY mm.pl
kB/s) received ::PORT ::PORT ::PORT alan at Catbird knew connection
::PORT secs :Hi? . successful. secs successful. :Hi? :Hi? or
within examples systems julu--coolest for examples for - - rns
rns rns on :::?eman Jennifer's 'panties on rns - on the grorns -
grorns the the - 'panties on 'panties - - grorns gro nd' nd'
Jennifer's nd' of desire in in - in thor nd' desire desire
desire - athoring - and and and ko), of t - 'deaths of and -
thors' a thoring - thoring thors' thors' - of athors' of (Jlt of
thoring problematics problematics thor (Jlt - a alities alities
of ), and (Jlt (Nik (Nik (Nik ko), the lralisms and and and etc.
a ko), sex Jennifer - tterings, stanipulated texts - texts
tterings, tterings, - proble st proble tterings, manipatic -
etc. - - (Jlt tterings, problematic of speaking, speaking,
manipatic manip texts tterings, - - - the - - texts texts texts
meltiples, of st the problematic of lated texts speaking,
speaking, lated texts ltiples, ltiples, (Nik dismember- ko),
ltiples, (Nikber- (Nikber- (Nikber- ings dismember- alities
dismember- ko), dismember- topologies, -fnction), (Jennifer)
sex -fnction), affect affect -fnction), (Jennifer) nction),
(Jennifer) dismemberments (J affect (Jennifer) ings ings
tterings, dismemberments or dismemberments dismemberments (J re
- - splays, splays, part-objects, splays, part-objects, splays,
- - splays, ptberpt (J splays, r r splays, emissons s/res, res,
s/ms, emissons res, splays, ruptures, emissons - part-objects, -
-f s/ms, ents ruptures, s/res, s/res, -f sendmail emissons
resonances id system system fl entrances - what entrances
- available for entrances exits available exits telnet (from
psychotic selves is problematized psychotic problematized
inability worlds, problematized selves generating generating
'panties or (from inability return return selves in within or
one one manipulate purturbations within one IRC one (wanderings
duals talker MOO MOO persons stutterings, breakdowns
stutterings, manipulated manipulated etc. including breakdowns
texts speaking, speaking, speaking, other persons texts
first/second/third first/second/third first/second/third ground'
other language ontic ghosts other persons elements bindings (the
videos) elements videos) controls-nature controls-nature videos)
sadomasochisms, bindings bindings dismemberments multiples,
persons writing inscription inscription elements dismember-
dismemberments topologies, exchanges exchanges topologies,
affect (Jennifer) dismember- (Julu-function), (Julu-function),
(Julu-function), ruptures, part-objects, dismember-
dismemberments dismemberments dismemberments in s/ms,
posteriori. splays, ruptures, s/ms, "having digitial, holarchic
spaces all world," world," world,"
inconceivability the pure logics of of is athe logics, fissure
/striations fissure/striations the the written. athe of of of
logics, downfall inconceivability The The The For macro levels,
of logics, macro The the The logic of the of disappearance
disappearance the Night. The Night.
instantaneous the life the pierced. pierces, an For something
something O pierced. The something is is pierces, a an pierced.
is is is The occlusion. Gender an an an the is this, The sun is
confabulation, The ::Neither a gender. The gender. ::Neither
::Neither The is not. is of that; The this nor nor pierced. of
:inscriptions the WALLS WALLS that; possess information, of
fissure fissure fissure barrier, only fissure information,
information, information, believe that not. barrier, and that no
null. at amounts to null. amounts are are null. and inscriptions
and what don't null. at variance; variance; is you logic,
believe what what don't is in you :what :what hear. -
inscription :what in in in rule name variance; - the name is
What the a posteriori. What a quantity, quantity, What is pure
is micro of coheres the rule rule ::Neither micro O logic,
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