[NetBehaviour] The Doubter's Mysteries: Moses

Edward Picot julian.lesaux at gmail.com
Sun Feb 3 16:25:01 CET 2019

Dear all,

'The Doubter's Mysteries' are an attempt to write a short cycle of 
Mystery Plays - ie. plays based on Bible stories, like the Medieval 
Mystery Plays of York, Chester and Wakefield - from the point of view of 
a sceptical modern audience; an audience which either doesn't believe in 
God, or can't work out what he's playing at.

There are fourteen of these plays, and the sixth is now online: 'Moses'.

http://edwardpicot.com/mysteries/06moses.html (or for the full series so 
far, visit http://edwardpicot.com/mysteries)

- Edward Picot
http://edwardpicot.com - personal website

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