[NetBehaviour] is it possible to download blog posts from furtherfield archive site?

Helen Varley Jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Mon Feb 4 12:21:30 CET 2019


i'm in the process of re-creating the blog i lost last year & updating
broken links as i go. many of the broken links are to posts i made on
the previous furtherfield site, now http://archive.furtherfield.org/.
happily these posts are still accessible, but i'm wondering for how
long?? & is it possible to download all of my blog posts as a file so
that i can save a backup of them myself?

writing this to the whole list as i imgine there will be others out
there who might want to do the same thing.

h : )


helen varley jamieson

helen at creative-catalyst.com <mailto:helen at creative-catalyst.com>

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