[NetBehaviour] random facts from the Internet Text

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jun 2 01:26:59 CEST 2019

random facts from the Internet Text


on maps http://www.alansondheim.org/map.txt around 1997

the map is never identical with the territory: no paradoxes,
thanks to quantum mechanics. proper names, representations,
disappear in the image/imaginary of enormous fluctuations.
thought experiments lose themselves in the real; there are
reasons nothing's there, nothing ever would be.

Script started on Sat Jun  1 14:10:14 2019

$ grep -h q texts/*.txt | wc
    32829  320721 2107789
$ grep -h e texts/*.txt | wc
   925377 7437247 48520833
$ grep -h z texts/*.txt | wc
    61913  508536 3395061
$ grep -h x texts/*.txt | wc
   128155 1022297 6862313
$ grep -h 1 texts/*.txt | wc
   230069 1175240 8707218
$ grep -h 0 texts/*.txt | wc
   238330 1072142 8063291
$ grep -h a texts/*.txt | wc
   906810 7248914 47392747
$ grep -h i texts/*.txt | wc
   833219 6995927 45459659
$ grep -h j texts/*.txt | wc
   275257 1242280 9177077
$ grep -h zz texts/*.txt | wc
     9687   71835  439567
$ grep -h th texts/*.txt | wc
   437455 4566450 27669389
$ grep -h wc texts/*.txt | wc
     1102   10806   58668
$ wc texts/*.txt | wc
      653    2612   26188
$ wc texts/*.txt | wc | wc
        1       3      25
$ cat texts/*.txt | wc
  1543350 9077495 60282763
$ cat texts/* | wc
  1607139 9772994 68231196
$ grep -h . texts/*.txt | wc
  1440823 9076612 60174238
$ grep -h * texts/*.txt | wc
      220    1598   11723
$ grep -h "internet text" texts/*.txt | wc
       45     616    3939
$ grep -h "Internet Text" texts/*.txt | wc
      390    4188   25865

$ exit

Script done on Sat Jun  1 14:16:07 2019

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