[NetBehaviour] a nice opportunity

Annie Abrahams bram.org at gmail.com
Sat Jun 8 16:12:01 CEST 2019

a nice opportunityhttp://
If I was nearer I would like to ...


A (dis)embodied haunting of institutional space: uncertainty, bad feeling,
and the histories we’d rather forget.

Deadline for applications: *2pm, Thursday 20 June*

We ( Rohanne Udall and Paul Hughes)seek to form a group that is diverse in
relation to age, gender, race, disciplinary and intellectual background,
experience, humour and curiosities. We invite the diligent, the lazy, the
critical, the angry, the reluctant, the suspicious, the powerless, the
confused, the depressed, the gleeful, the guilty. You don’t have to be an
artist, and you don’t have to have a good reason to take part.


*June 20, 8:15pm *(UTC+01:00)  *lingagens* an online ReadingClub
session. Duration 20 min.
Lai-TzeFan, Abdulmohsen Alonayq, Sören Pold and Andréa Catrópa will rearite
a text originally written by Erika Fülöp.
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