[NetBehaviour] 97 questions about art

Edward Picot julian.lesaux at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 15:16:04 CEST 2019

As I was walking the dog yesterday I had a vision of the awards 
ceremony. The elephant is sitting next to you at one of those big round 
tables, looking exceedingly uncomfortable in a rented tuxedo, grumpily 
munching buns and bananas and necking down large quantities of champagne 
straight from the bottle, scowling all over his face, while all the 
other guests pick their way through the fancy food and make small talk. 
He gets more and more impatient as the evening wears on, and eventually, 
when it comes to the winners being announced, he's right at the end of 
his tether. You and the elephant come in second, beaten to the first 
prize by somebody who has placed a dead halibut in a toilet. You do your 
best to look pleased for the winner and applaud enthusiastically, but 
the elephant suddenly loses it: he leaps up from his seat with an angry 
trumpet, upending the table, and starts stampeding round the room 
smashing everything in his path, while the guests and judges panic and 
rush for the exits. He grabs hold of Nicolas Serota and flings him 
head-first into the gateau trolley. Then the police arrive and knock him 
out with a tranquilliser dart.



On 06/06/2019 15:49, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour wrote:
> Michael,
> I agree with what others have said, these are extremely 
> thought-provoking, and almost any one of the questions would be 
> material for a couple of hours of discussion. Great material for a 
> book too!
> My favourite one is 'If I collaborate with an elephant to make an 
> artwork is that elephant my fellow artist?' That really appeals to me. 
> First of all, you immediately start to wonder what kind of artwork the 
> elephant could participate in - elephant footprints on a canvas? an 
> elephant with a paintbrush in its trunk? maybe something displayed on 
> the sides of the elephant? Secondly, who wouldn't want an elephant as 
> a fellow artist? And just imagine the presentation if you won the 
> Turner Prize!
> Edward
> On 03/06/2019 21:50, Michael Szpakowski wrote:
>> I have a short text in the new volume of Borderless Philosophy .
>> https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e2a905_df53424e9f454e9080b97f54dbc370f3.pdf
>> Have a read if you have a mo & are so inclined!
>> warmest wishes
>> Michael
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