[NetBehaviour] Sound in the construction zone / Telepresence & Migration
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 18:36:07 CEST 2019
I find all of this fascinating and the fluid ontologies of performers and
locations remind me of the work I've done with mocap, although that's bound
in one visua/sonic space, grounded there; if there were a way to project /
work with the altered mocap at a distance w/ AR it would be amazing, the
transportation of ruins. Thank you for sharing!
Best, Alan
On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 11:02 AM Johannes Birringer (Staff) <
Johannes.Birringer at brunel.ac.uk> wrote:
> dear all,
> having just seen the amazing list of events on the further-list, I
> recalled the conversation we had on Sound in the construction zone; several
> of you responded to me; & I had promised a small Bucharest diary, and here
> comes:
> "Telepresence and Migration" took place May 30 at CINETic (International
> Center for Research and Education in innovative creative technologies, part
> of UNATC
> National University of theatre and film), located right behind the
> National Theatre, and across from the University Square where last year we
> took part in the Pride Parade and demo. The event was organized by theatre
> director Marina Hangaru, who works at the Teatrul George Ciprian (Buzãu).
> Marina and artist colleagues between Romania, Spain and Portugal had
> engaged in an EU (Creative Europe Program) project dealing with the effects
> of economic migration on families (and especially children). Marina
> co-directed a telematic and live streamed performance with actors in
> Romania and Spain (in the 2 distant locations), performed multiple times
> also in front of physical audience in the two locations. It was a full
> length play, titled "Planet of Lost Dreams":
> https://youtu.be/qujWr_5b_Cw
> The event in Bucharest brought some of the participating artists together,
> alongside sociologists and researchers who addressed the problematics of
> migration, whereas some additional guests (ironically from the UK) - after
> Bianca Floarea had sketched the landscape of cultural cooperation in Europe
> outlining who is eligible for grants and who might be partially or
> non-eligible (Moldova, Macedonia, Ukraine, Uk after Brexit..) - were asked
> to comment on telepresence and networked performance. Marina spoke
> eloquently on the concept of telepresence in view of the results of the
> "Tele-Encounters" project, filtered through the lens of New Media studies
> and New Media Dramaturgy. How do you build a telematic performance from
> ground zero, integrating technology to tell a coherent story? She analyzed
> the “levels of organization” of "The Planet of Lost Dreams" telematic
> performance, trying to establish how and if telepresence can change our
> understanding of the theatre (or media) and vice-versa. The project was
> performance oriented but also sociological, with audience questionnaires
> revealing intriguing insights into how the performance was perceived,
> offering potential starting points in articulating a dramaturgy of the
> telematic spectator. Marina also mentioned a phase 2 project (the
> participants’ sense of presence in the 360° short films created by
> Portuguese artists as part of the project).
> Later in the afternoon Alexandru Berceanu (who is director of CINETic)
> presented his own fieldwork, a fascinating VR project called ATINGE (Touch)
> - through which you can experience the life and culture of Roma people.
> Based on documentary work in segregated and non-segregated Roma communities
> in Romania, Turkey, Italy, and Sweden, the project provides insight into
> the challenges and successes of Roma individuals of different religions and
> from different countries as seen by themselves.
> (In Europe, families or large groups of people live in precarious and
> temporary conditions, often without access to water minimal sanitation, or
> minimal safety. TOUCH is an invitation to empathy, Alexandru told us).
> In my own talk, following Andy Lavender's more philosophical reflections
> on "taking time" in telepresence, I tried to re-visit my early telematic
> dance work in 2001-03 which I could barely find amongst my old digital
> tapes, it looks clunky and yet viscerally complex at the same time, working
> with dancers on live feed cameras mixing 5 to 7 sites in the USA, Brasil
> and Japan at a time when we were still learning how to use the internet for
> such collaboration. I then compared 'Planet of Lost Dreams' (a naturalist
> theatre play meshed up telematically) to other contemporary networked
> performances, e.g. Annie Abrahams' recent "Distant Movement 11", the
> Station House Opera collaborative telepresence work "At Home in London and
> Gaza", and finally a surreal dance piece I saw at Tanzhaus Düsseldorf last
> month, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing's "Phoenix"
> https://vimeo.com/318882496
> which was performed with three French dancers and drones, and a live link
> too Gaza too where Palestine performers showed us their parcours on the
> rooftops, under drone eyes. It was actually an amazing work that also
> caused me to think hard about where surveillance or camera-feed life is
> moving: "Sur scène, trois danseurs et des drones sèment le trouble.
> Évoquant à la fois les avions téléguidés de notre enfance comme les
> nouvelles armes meurtrières des guerres technologiques du XXIe siècle, les
> drones (« gros bourdon » ou « bourdonnement », selon la terminologie
> anglo-saxonne) sillonnent la scène et interagissent avec les danseurs.
> Exposés à leur vrombissement incessant, ces derniers évoluent dans un
> espace tour à tour sensible, terrain d’opérations ou fenêtre sur le monde,
> connectés en temps réel avec d’autres artistes subissant, à Gaza, la
> présence permanente de ces machines..."
> have a look at Minh's short trailer, and you will also be surprised how
> topical such work might be in relation, say, to the work that Eyal Weizman
> & Forensic Architecture have done in counter surveillance and media
> excavations of settlements, architecture, politics, and violence, & a new
> mapping of the (telepresent) connections between climate change, drought,
> drones, armed conflict.
> respectfully
> Johannes Birringer
> DAP-Lab
> http://www.brunel.ac.uk/dap
> photos show the young actress Andreea Darie (who plays the daughter in
> "Planet") and Marina Hanganu introducing us.
> ________________________________________
> From: NetBehaviour <netbehaviour-bounces at lists.netbehaviour.org> on
> behalf of marc.garrett via NetBehaviour <
> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org>
> Sent: 11 June 2019 11:42
> A weekly list of Furtherfield recommendations we're looking at and sharing
> with others, exhibitions, events, books, articles & other curiosities.
> It reflects the expansive and dynamic culture we enjoy, straddling the
> fields of art, technology and social change.
> Enjoy -
> https://www.furtherfield.org/the-weekly-furtherlist-no-2-june-7th-2019/
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