[NetBehaviour] XPUB Special Issue 09 - IFL3 / The Library is Open - 20.06.2019 Rotterdam

Aymeric Mansoux am-lists at bleu255.com
Fri Jun 14 19:15:26 CEST 2019

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Interfacing the Law 3 / The Library is Open

Thursday June 20th, 2019
Leeszaal West Rotterdam



Dear readers,

The Library Is Open invites you to an afternoon of workshops that make 
the operations within libraries visible. Join us in exploring the 
actions and roles of legal and extra-legal libraries (municipal, pirate, 
academic, +++), their custodians, and the public that form a community 
around collections of texts.

Registration is not necessary, as on arrival you will be assigned to two 
workshops. After the first session there will be a short break, after 
which the second session of workshops will begin. At the end of the 
event we'll have a moment to share the outcomes of the workshops all 
together. We'd like you to attend both sessions if possible, in order to 
maximise the experience.

The event is divided into three parallel workshops which will be held 
twice, giving participants the opportunity to encounter different 

Details about the workshops: https://issue.xpub.nl/09


The Library Is Open is a participatory event developed by the Piet Zwart 
Institute's Experimental Publishing program as part of the research 
project Special Issue #9: Interfacing the Law, in partnership with 
Constant. Interfacing the Law is a recurring thematic project which 
looks at how publishing practices develop in accordance, or in 
dissonance with legal frameworks.

Simon Browne, Tancredi Di Giovanni, Paloma García, Rita Graça, Artemis 
Gryllaki, Pedro Sá Couto, Femke Snelting, Biyi Wen, Bohye Woo





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