[NetBehaviour] Memo(random)

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jun 16 23:46:24 CEST 2019


osprey and artificial owl and tower
osprey and boat and some buildings

What is this a text? What is this a text that is dictated or a
text that is pushed from the throat or through the throat
elsewhere as if the throat were choked open with words spoken but
lost among the tongues or tooth. Every tooth punctuates, the
tongues push phrases into the air constantly thinning with
microplastics. What is said is never heard but always overheard.
Who does hearing, who does oversight, who is overwrought?

What is this that can possible mean some thing to some one some
where? What is thinner than the presents of letters, nothing is
thinner, not even the sounds made in sung airs. More than
aphorism, less than proverb or frayed phrase. So memo, we leave to
call it that to us, memo. The word remains, retains something of
what was to be said, memo, memo, memo.

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