[NetBehaviour] Fwd: CRYPTO-GRAM, June 15, 2019
Rob Myers
rob at robmyers.org
Tue Jun 18 21:52:59 CEST 2019
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Saturday, June 15, 2019 11:05 AM, Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> I don't know if you read this or have publicized it before, but in terms of lists, I've also found it invaluable!
Bizarrely I hadn't subscribed to this (I follow Schneier's blog but can always do with reinforcement).
Thank you for your recommendations, they're really good.
- Rob.
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