[NetBehaviour] AI-stage at Gamma Festival

Natalia Fuchs nfuchs at artypical.com
Fri Jun 28 09:01:53 CEST 2019

GAMMA and Mail.ru Group present a special project related to artificial intelligence technology at the festival in St. Petersburg

June 27, 2019. GAMMA festival and Mail.ru Group will present an AI-Stage with audio-visual performances created in the laboratory of sound and artificial intelligence Gamma_LAB AI. The festival will be held in St. Petersburg from 11 to 14 July.

Mail.ru Group and Gamma LAB_AI present a special project in St. Petersburg at the Gamma festival — an AI-stage with audiovisual performances created in the laboratory of sound and artificial intelligence Gamma_LAB AI. Musicians, media artists, programmers and researchers in the field of artificial intelligence studied three musical directions — baroque, jazz and techno — and created their own musical compositions. The results of their works will be presented in July: artists from around the world will demonstrate audiovisual performances, live performances and improvisations using artificial intelligence.

The laboratory was created with technological support and using cloud solutions of Mail.ru Cloud Solutions (MCS). The curator of GAMMA_LAB AI is Natalia Fuchs, an international researcher in the field of art of new media. Russian media artist Helena Nikonole, american musician Peter Kirn, researchers from Russian Academy of Science Konstantin Yakovlev and Natalia Soboleva are also involved in the laboratory workflow.

Gamma music and art festival will be held in St. Petersburg for the fourth time from 11 to 14 July and will take place in 5 industrial locations from a huge Stepan Razin factory to the majestic gas holders on the Obvodniy channel. The festival is highly appreciated around the world, in 2018, the English magazine DJ Mag included Gamma festival in the Top 20 best world festivals, taking place in the most unusual locations, and the authoritative German Groove Magazine included the festival in the Top 10 summer European festivals. The festival also hosts the international forum on culture and technology Gamma_PRO.

Mail.ru Cloud Solutions is a cloud services platform for business. Within the framework of the platform, a wide range of IaaS- и PaaS-services are available for the development of a secure and scalable IT infrastructure, including a service for big data analysis 'Mail.ru Cloud Big Data' and cloud machine learning environments 'Mail.ru Cloud Machine Learning’.

With kindest regards,
Natalia Fuchs I Наталья Фукс
Curator, Producer, Media Art Historian
ARTYPICAL I Art Relations Practice 


Cell: +79104320152
Email: nfuchs at artypical.com 
Web: www.artypical.com 



AI: More Than Human
16 May—26 August 2019
Barbican Centre, London, UK



11 July - 14 July 2019 
Saint-Petersburg, Russia 

MUTEK Montreal 20th anniversary
20 August - 25 August 2019 
Montreal, Canada 

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