[NetBehaviour] long-necked saz and other files

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Fri Jun 28 15:53:03 CEST 2019

long-necked saz and other files


i realize how awkward this is, but among other things, i'm
asking if you would download any of the music, video, text,
images, etc. you might want, from my webpage; it's already
overloaded and i've found myself removing mostly older files to
make room for others. this isn't a question of quality, but of
necessity; i have limited space, and pay for it of course.
right-clicking on any file should easily allow downloading;
there are also ways to download multiple files. for me it's a
way of preserving the material; i'm obviously not sure how long
i'll be able to work on, for example, the music which is
physically strenuous to play. http://www.alansondheim.org/

this is the 1961 Turkish long-necked saz; it takes a fair amount
of stretching to create the kind of music i'm working on.  i'm
still there in the playground; the hours aren't shorter yet.

more theory soon, that's what keeps me up at nights.

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