[NetBehaviour] Video Performance Including an Azure Carter Supporting Role

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Fri Sep 6 02:44:27 CEST 2019

Video Performance Including an Azure Carter Supporting Role


video, whatever, Alan Sondheim

thanks to the inordinate and miraculous pixel gods who returned the
"real" in "reality" for our benefit, creating the Reality TV show,
"What Has Happened Here" for our benefice.

"Breaker boys labored in a highly contaminated environment. In
fact, virtually every operation performed in a breaker created
dust." ... "In 1877, journalist Phoebe Gibbons found six-year-olds
picking slate in the coal mills around Scranton. A quarter of a
century later, little had changed." ... "more often than not the
juvenile laborers commenced at eight, nine, or ten." ... "Many
were functionally illiterate. Young anthracite laborers were thus
set on a career path that predisposed them to protracted exposure
to mine dust." (from Alan Derickson, Black Lung: anatomy of a
public health disaster, Cornell, 1998.)

Re: Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM): "The operating principle of
SPM represents a radical break with what was understood that
microscopy ought to be: we no longer see objects, but we _touch_
them. The sensitive element, called the tip (or probe) of the
microscope scans the surface line by line, until it covers the area
of interest." (from Gustavo Ariel Schwartz and Jaume Navarro,
"Image by touching: Atomic force microscopy," in Philosophy of
Photography, Volume 9 Number 1, Intellect journals, 2018.)

"Here I end this reel. Box--(_pause_)--three, spool--(_pause_)--
five. (_Pause._) Perhaps my best years are gone."

- Beckett, Krapp's Last Tape, 1957.

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