[NetBehaviour] ICA Conglomerate 'Somatic Ghosting'

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Sep 7 03:29:59 CEST 2019

ICA Conglomerate 'Somatic Ghosting'


the longer i work on the project/talk for the London ICA, the more
complex everything becomes; now i'm thinking of 'talking on the
fly' - moving from image to image, piling on ideas; i have nothing
definitive to say about any of this; any saying is inadequate, is
necessarily going to fail. i can't come up with grand schemes or a
clear organization; it's yet another form of splatter semiotics;
there's too much to consider, and literally the devil's in the
details in any case; in the play of images, videos, texts, sounds,
performances. it's going to be a mess. i move among things like
Meiji images of Perry, through blizzards, Gray Barker, distorted
motion capture, treatise signatures by Native Americans with early
Rhode Islanders, supercollider musics, theory, dance, song,
codework, and experimental local and online virtual worlds. i'm
sure to be leaving something out. it's a morass, melange, mess,
misery, microbiome, murmuration, and mumbling of ideas which are
always already wrong, futile, nonsensical, as idiotic as the real,
whatever, whomever, wherever, whenever. so here we are in a history
that refuses history, that spreads like a frictionless fluid on the
degree zero debris zero world of nonsense i seem capable of
generating when i have everything and nothing to say. comments
welcome, meanwhile i'll look forward to climbing up and down at
least one of the Thames stairs that reach the river in one of the
more industrial areas, i hope you'll join me. (it's not that i
don't like myself, it's that i like you better.)

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