[NetBehaviour] UkeUke for NeMe, Cyprus

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Sep 23 03:50:20 CEST 2019

(apologies if this appears again later, address problems)


Hopefully playing ukulele in Cyprus, couldn't bring a guitar;
here's two practice pieces. Curly mango Kala soprano with low G.
Overhand's really difficult with the small scale length -

https://youtu.be/4sZnyZeIoo4 VIDEO

All the [uke]s in the Internet Text:

Duke Ling +---lukens
  luke.txt (lukemftpd
produkeyAB hztrukeytu
  uke. Bruker ukelele leukemia AnimeJukeb
Milwaukee produkeyAB
  Dukes and uke uan fitfitDuke Duke Ryunosuke. Frauke Juke top luke2
luk LukeSkywal
   Luke's LukeSkywal Luketo bruken ha-ukeykuk Luke Pennsauken
Fukei, (Luke TAZukeyh (Milwaukee arpuke.mp Marmaduke "Duke Stuker
  uketcheu appukey aukew uke,, bla-ukeyku puke Matsuken puke, duke
nukem out eykukeyk Luke,
   duke.odt g dukeodt. (luke yukel gat Milwaukee. Juke, lukewarm.

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