[NetBehaviour] utterings @We'reAllBats Listening Arts Channel

Annie Abrahams bram.org at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 17:39:06 CET 2020

Dear friends and colleagues,

*Utterings **@ We're All Bats Listening Arts Channel*

Next Friday our third (and last) in the 3-improvisation series: "New
Language", "Above Rationality" and "Transmissions".

*Dec. 4* *Transmissions*

18h30 – 18h55 London time. 19h30 – 19h55 Paris time. (entrance free)

Connect at the right time to We’re All Bats Listening Arts Channel
<https://www.wereallbats.co.uk/> or listen to us on their FB
<https://www.facebook.com/wereallbats> page.

In September we also did an online performance for STWST called "*breathing*".
Here is a video excerpt - https://vimeo.com/476656734 - hopefully it makes
you want to join us next Friday.
Utterings <https://utterings.hotglue.me/> is an online sound improvisation
ensemble with Annie Abrahams (FR), Constança Carvalho Homem (PRT), Curt
Cloninger (US), Nerina Cocchi (BE), Daniel Pinheiro (PRT) and Derek Piotr
(US). ________________________________________________

I am happy to be part of this exhibition:
“Vous êtes ICI
on Mozilla Hub <https://hubs.mozilla.com/VnMK4vT/vous-etes-ici>,
Arthotèque, Saint-Priest.
Curator *Valentin Godard*.

*Permanence* : tous les mercredis de 17h à 18h.
*Visite guidée* : les mardis soirs à 18h30 (RSVP :
artotheque at mairie-saint-priest.fr).

With *Olia Lialina* and *Jean Le Gac*, *Raphael Rozendaal* and *Yves Klein*,
*Annie Abrahams* and *Djamel Tatah*, *Alexei Shulgin* and *Ophélie Demurger*,
*Nicolas Frespech* and *Mimmo Rotella*, & *Seumboy Vrainom* and *Gaelle

I hope to see you on one of these occasions

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