[NetBehaviour] how to cure a panic attack:

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Dec 10 03:10:52 CET 2020

how to cure a panic attack:

0. breath problems:


1. symptoms:

panic attack and wet ::red-winged-blackbird is olympus camedia
hospital with a panic attack in miami. every day i face my own
failure, to bring out oud, sarangi, panic attacks. I work on oud,
saz, of a natural kind. tomorrow we record, tonight, a panic
attack... natural kind). stabilized companion cat, panic attacks
and depressions, and panic attacks. I work on oud, saz, violin,
viola, ghichak, suroz, sarangi, 2002 During the second semester,
as a result, I had a panic attack and wet during the second
semester, as a result, i had a panic attack and went it's gone
away, the nausea is increasing, slight panic attack coming on
Reset panic attacks real gift real! virtual! can! amazimathesis
panic attacks for real but last night i had another panic attack
panic attacks and my gift to you it's gone away, the nausea is
increasing, slight panic attack coming on i anticipation dying
friend, stabilized companion panic attacks thing i read said that
panic attacks can be accompanied by overwhelming a thing i read
said that panic attacks can be accompanied by overwhelming and
off all day because the panic attacked basically wrecked me; i
haven't recently suffering from migraine, panic attacks and
tonight, this body not _of_ the screen, shall have a panic
attack. for Put me in the hospital.  circulates hospital panic
attack miami. hospital (overnight after panic attack):  unknown
feeling of rigidity, panic, despair, lower back pain > panic
attack? recently suffering from migraine, panic attacks
circulates hospital panic attack miami. cannot "i desire"
overlaps everyone else's. panic attacks. work part improvisation
panic attack and wet ... 2003 Perhaps? Developed a 'lime-like' ==
two days ago had a panic attack, ended up at baptist hospital for
two sung lisu, pump organ; tamburi panic attacks. oud, saz,
violin, simultaneously jouissance demons minds stabilized panic

2. cure:


ttk d wet ::red-wged-blkbrd s olymus med hostl wth ttk mm. every
dy fe my ow flure, to brg out oud, srg, ttks. I work o oud, sz,
of turl kd. tomorrow we reord, toght, ttk... turl kd). stblzed
omo t, ttks d deressos, d ttks. I work o oud, sz, vol, vol, ghhk,
suroz, srg, 2002 Durg the seod semester, s result, I hd ttk d wet
durg the seod semester, s result, hd ttk d wet t's goe wy, the
use s resg, slght ttk omg o Reset ttks rel gft rel! vrtul! !
mzmthess ttks for rel but lst ght hd other ttk ttks d my gft to
you t's goe wy, the use s resg, slght ttk omg o tto dyg fred,
stblzed omo ttks thg red sd tht ttks be omed by overwhelmg thg
red sd tht ttks be omed by overwhelmg d off ll dy beuse the ttked
bslly wreked me;  hve't reetly sufferg from mgre, ttks d toght,
ths body ot _of_ the sree, shll hve ttk. for Put me the hostl.
rultes hostl ttk mm. hostl (overght fter ttk):  ukow feelg of
rgdty, , desr, lower bk > ttk? reetly sufferg from mgre, ttks
rultes hostl ttk mm. ot " desre" overls everyoe else's.  ttks.
work rt mrovs- ttk d wet ... 2003 Perhs? Develoed 'lme-lke' ==
two dys go hd ttk, eded u t btst hostl for two sug lsu, um org;
tmbur ttks. oud, sz, vol, smulteously jousse demos mds stblzed

3. prognosis:

I still have panic attacks.


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