[NetBehaviour] 2020 yearly iteration Distant Feelings #8

Annie Abrahams bram.org at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 11:32:26 CET 2020

Dear netbehavioristes

On* Sunday Dec. 20 18h CET* you are *welcome* to join us in our yearly
online ritual.

Duration 15 min.
*Online. Open to all*.

*Eyes closed. No talking.

In a year such as 2020 continuing to activate the yearly reconnection
of *Distant
Feelings*, through zoom, seems natural, pertinent and more than ever* an
act of resilience* to deal with the lack, the disconnection and the
complexity of the *worldlessness** the ‘world’ was precipitated into.
The invitation is open all interested to enter this space, into *a silent,
yet sentient, relational encounter*.

A telematic embrace where nothing seems to happen and where the lack of
action is precisely its potential for fighting alienation. We are
performing absentia within the network, while the network is functioning.
We research togetherness through the Internet as a way to counter its
fallacy which drives the (im)possibility of collective strength. Can we
find novelty in an already established system, and act from within, towards
(an)other purpose(s)?

On the 20th connect to this zoom URL
*5:55 pm* *Paris* time
*4:55 pm Porto* time
*11.55 am New York* time
Please use earplugs and have sound and video on.
( https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86808763149?pwd=QjdNNk5ob1J5REdtU2hEMW4wZ29zZz09

*Distant Feelings* is a project run by *Annie Abrahams* and *Daniel
More information bram.org/distantF <https://www.bram.org/distantF/> and
landproject.tumblr.com <https://landproject.tumblr.com/distantfeelings>

I hope to feel you on the 20th!
and I wish you a nice Christmas despite everything ...
Annie Abrahams and Daniel Pinheiro

* See Editorial e-flux Journal
<https://www.e-flux.com/journal/112/355601/editorial/> #112 – October 2020.
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