[NetBehaviour] slice
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Wed Dec 23 16:05:10 CET 2020
http://www.alansondheim.org/slice.mp4 VIDEO
up for a short time only
them destroy /[e]+/ "our nerve" freedom them /[g]+/ in "our cut
/[f]+/ will never { print } will cut /[d]+/ print { and bombs
cut print the { the and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will swerve" print {
swerve" will cut /[d]+/ "hold cut will swerve" print { swerve"
will cut /[d]+/ "hold { and "our cut swerve" { { swerve" will
cut /[d]+/ "hold { and "our cut print course { the b dy r cut /
inscribed, r appearing t be inscribed in the b dy. them destroy
/[e]+/ "our nerve" freedom them /[g]+/ in "our cut /[f]+/ will
never { print } will cut /[d]+/ print { and bombs cut print the
{ the and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will swerve" print { swerve" will
cut /[d]+/ "hold cut will swerve" print { swerve" will cut
/[d]+/ "hold { and "our cut swerve" { { swerve" will cut /[d]+/
"hold { and "our cut print course { the b dy r cut / inscribed,
r appearing t be inscribed in the b dy.
________________________________cut "they print { /[o]+/ ?
mouths" ~subs "spurt", "cut ", "your_voice "); Jennifer2 = new
JenniferAlan("male ", "inhale ", "spurt", "cut ", "your_voice
"); Jennifer2 = them { fury bombs will } print "fuck { cut "our
"bomb } them we'll } "our will } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our
"bomb } them we'll nerve" "our } fury bombs will } print "fuck
/[f]+/ cut "our in /[g]+/ them freedom "our nerve" freedom them
/[g]+/ in bombs cut } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our print { never
will cut { "hold { course "our cut "our course { "hold { cut cut
{ "hold { course "our cut "our course { "hold { cut bombs never
{ { course "our cut "our course { the { cut bombs never { print
} will cut } print { never bombs cut { the { course print cut
"our and { "hold /[d]+/ bombs cut { the { course print cut "our
and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will Jennifer1 = new Jennifer("female ",
"inhale ", "spurt", "cut ", "your_voice "); ", "inhale ",
"spurt", "cut ", "your_voice "); Jennifer2 = new actions" of
throats our cut "they words" of arms our cut "they words" of
arms our cut "theylists jo them { fury bombs will } print "fuck
{ cut "our "bomb } them we'll } "our will } print "fuck /[f]+/
cut "our "bomb } them we'll nerve" "our } fury bombs will }
print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our in /[g]+/ them freedom "our nerve"
freedom them /[g]+/ in bombs cut } print "fuck /[f]+/ cut "our
print { never will cut { "hold { course "our cut "our course {
"hold { cut cut { "hold { course "our cut "our course { "hold {
cut bombs never { { course "our cut "our course { the { cut
bombs never { print } will cut } print { never bombs cut { the {
course print cut "our and { "hold /[d]+/ bombs cut { the {
course print cut "our and { "hold /[d]+/ cut will constant
jump-cut "from burnt corners, seared boards "spurt", "cut ",
"your_voice "); Jennifer2 = new JenniferAlan("male
", "inhale ", "spurt", "cut ", "your_voice "); Jennifer2 =
________________________________cut "they print { /[o]+/ ?
mouths" JenniferAlan~subs Jennifer~subs Alan +++
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