[NetBehaviour] One-Off Moving Image Festival 2020

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Feb 11 06:10:23 CET 2020

Fantastic Festival! https://noemata.net/one-off/

>From Bjorn Magnhildsen!


One second movies, 60sec movies, and long single takes

We're excited to invite you to the third edition of One-Off Moving Image 
This year we have two programs. In addition to showing one second movies 
together with 60sec movies, we're also showing long single take movies. The 
theme is "Browsing right and wrong".

The movies are screened during the festival February 10 - 16, 2020 in Valencia 
(ES) and Gol (NO) in addition to the net. We use routers and QR-codes to screen 
the movies on smartphones in public spaces.

Since the long single take movies are considered performative and site-specific 
the One-Off festival takes place at the location of the movies and becomes a 
distributed event. In this manner we've been able to screen the year 2020 in 
year 2017 - and even as far back as 2011 - in an anticipatory participation or 

One-Off 2020 also offers an experimental peer screening, where the shooting 
site of a movie contains reference to a peer movie (a printed QR-code placed at 
the location) perhaps in an attempt to displace its own (psychogeographical) 

We're collaborating with 60Seconds Festival in Copenhagen (DK) taking place in 
parallel, to physically screen a selection of the one second movies mixed with 
60 seconds movies in public spaces in Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Kge and 
Helsingr during the festival week.

In addition, all one second movies will be included in the next Leap Second 
Festival, an irregular x-ennale lasting one second.


One second movies
Kristin Anderson, Lavoslava Bencic, Aad Bjrkro, Marijn Bril, Lnie Blue, 
Jen-Kuang Chang, Khalil Charif, Gene Chen, Pin-Hua Chen, osvaldo cibils, Cyborg 
Art Collective, det0une, Alexandre Duarte Bassani, Yossi Galanti, Eliot Gray 
Fisher, Max Herman, james a hutchinson, Jyun-Cheng Jian, Timo Kahlen, Ayshe 
Kizilay & Adriano Perlini, Nicole Kouts, Olga Kowalska, LabSynthE, Lin Li, 
Patrick Lichty, Bonnie MacAllister, Benna G. Maris, Konstantina Mavridou, Erik 
Nilsebraten, Silvia Nonnenmacher, serge onnen, Lorenzo Papanti, Bya de Paula, 
Susanne Layla Petersen, klaus pinter, Tija Place, Stefanie Reling-Burns, Joo 
Rocha, Natallia Sakalova, Nina Sobell, Igor tromajer, Elle Thorkveld, Juergen 
Trautwein, A. P. Vague, tobias c. van Veen & ZiggZaggerZ, Ela 
Wysakowska-Walters, Hussel Zhu

Long single take movies
Kristin Anderson, Sandy Baldwin, Sohil Bhatia, Brad Brace, osvaldo cibils, Gene 
Chen, Dorin Buduan, Emanuele Dainotti, detoune, Chris Funkhouser, Carin Jaeger, 
Kevin Perrin, Nicole Kouts, Patrick Lichty, Bjrn Magnhilden, Zsolt Mesterhazy, 
Stefanie Reling-Burns, Joo Rocha, Natallia Sakalova, Nina Sobell, Alan 
Sondheim, Dany Tomasisi, tobias c. van Veen & ZiggZaggerZ, maeshelle 
west-davies, Ela Wysakowska-Walters, Malgorzata Zurada

60sec movies
Bjrn Aho, Sasha Asensio, Daniele Caetano & Natasha Vergilio, Sajjad Dadpour, 
Anne Jrvi, Steen Mller Rasmusen, Karolina Pawelczyk, Milos Peskir, Kirstine 
Siegumfeldt & Louis Lind Olrik, Alberte Skronski


Do forward and share the festival website

- From Bjorn Magnhildsen!

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