[NetBehaviour] ontology
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Thu Feb 27 09:43:32 CET 2020
http://www.alansondheim.org/ontology.mp4 (earphones)
fundamental ontology of the name under erasure
under somatic ghosting and the memory of the symbolic
of the erasure of the symbolic and of absence
of annihilation to the limitless
http://www.alansondheim.org/ontology.mp4 (earphones)
because the limit means nothing, more or less
nothing, more or less than the exhaustion of distinction
or the exhausting of the category of the good
for their are infinitely more demons than the one
and the one is already effaced
the one is nothing that is the case
neither this nor that is all that is the case
study this in the imaginary of 'my world'
so fragile demanding electrical energy for appearance
for its preposterous postulation of existence
for its nonsense about fundamental ontology
http://www.alansondheim.org/ontology.mp4 (earphones)
because network is nothing but net worth
net worth is all that is the brief case
because fundamentally it is not for a cause
neither for a brief cause or a post cause
http://www.alansondheim.org/ontology.mp4 (earphones)
look towards causality and see and hear nothing
touch and smell nothing and nothing of heat or cold
nothing of magnetism nothing of electric energy
nothing of nuclear energy yes it's hard to imagine
it's hard to imagine the fundamental ontology under erasure
it's hard to imagine the difficulty of semantic ghosting
fundamentally, no one is here for you
fundamentally, no one hears you
fundamentally, it's so difficult to imagine
it doesn't matter what street you live on
the names don't survive the stones do
fundamentally, the stones don't, neither nor
not both neither fundamentally none
Julu Twine says i won't do that i'm stayig here somtyaing
somewhere here might as well be as good as anything
usidewodown wounded waiting for
Julu Twine: alan dojoji
http://www.alansondheim.org/ontology.mp4 (earphones)
annihilation of ontology to the limit
absence of ontology
absence of erasure
absence of semantic ghosting
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