[NetBehaviour] Fires in Australia

tacira at riseup.net tacira at riseup.net
Mon Jan 6 01:06:39 CET 2020

excellent idea edward this could work as plan to the capital world!

bolsonaro was elected cause vast majority of us are like him
unfortunately that  is all we have been taught to be blind 

behind the idea that we already consume daily other species nature far
more than is acceptable

blind to our obvious violent racist patriarchal specist origins 

our cosmologies are falling right now, as it has been for some time  

as krenak indigenous xama say we better use coloured parachutes for the

art, rituals, repair and care

Em 2020-01-05 12:17, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour escreveu:
> Ana, 
> As for Bolsonaro, it's my belief, and has been for many years, that if
> the West expects a country like Brazil to preserve rainforests and
> biodiversity on behalf of the whole world, then they have to pay them
> to do it, and I mean serious money. It should be worth more
> financially to preserve the forests and export oxygen for the benefit
> of the rest of us than to cut them down and plant palm oil or create
> beef farms or whatever. Then there wouldn't be any argument. 
> Bolsonaro is an arsehole, but wagging a finger at him in the style of
> Macron isn't going to make him budge. 
> Edward
> On 05/01/2020 15:05, Ana Valdés via NetBehaviour wrote:
>> Thanks for sharing so important inputs and thoughts! I feel a
>> growing frustration about how politicians are handling this issues.
>> In the worst draugh a province in Australia sold the common water to
>> a private enterprise.
>> And neither Bolsonaro or Morrison or Trump are acting as leaders in
>> time of a crisis. They carry on and on and on not relating fires to
>> capitalism and its ways, fracking and mining.
>> They despise the knowledge of scientists and of the aboriginal ways
>> to live and work they blame the people speaking about climate
>> change.
>> I assume many on this list are familiar with Donna Haraway. Her
>> writings about the Anthroposcene a new age where we, Mankind, are
>> responsible for disasters and ways to live which unsettle Nature and
>> the natural order are very important and give advice and
>> explanations.
>> Ana
>> El El dom, 5 de ene. de 2020 a la(s) 11:43, Edward Picot via
>> NetBehaviour <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> escribió:
>> Helen,
>> That's really useful information about the donation links and the
>> Adani coal mine. I didn't know about the coal mine before.
>> As for Scott Morrison and his government, I think there's more to it
>> than sheer stupidity. As with Trump and Boris Johnson, there's a
>> right-wing populist agenda at play, which is all about protecting
>> and promoting the interests of big business, but it sustains itself
>> in power by appealing to certain lowest-common-denominator
>> prejudices in the minds of the voting public, and serving up what
>> are basically lies to reinforce its appeal. So Morrison has now
>> moved on from claiming that the link between bushfires and global
>> warming is all in the minds of urban woke greeny loony lefties; he's
>> now claiming that he never denied that link in the first place; but
>> he's also making out that the bushfires are particularly bad because
>> the greeny loony lefties have been blocking bushfire hazard
>> reduction measures in the national parks. This is rejected as
>> nonsense by bushfire experts, but the claim doesn't have to be
>> accurate to make its impact. And that's the problem. Populist
>> politics has found the faultline in modern democracy, where things
>> don't have to be true, or even make sense, to influence voting
>> patterns; they use tactics of misinformation and misdirection as a
>> deliberate policy to sustain themselves in power. And the left/green
>> parties haven't yet found a way to counteract those tactics, or to
>> tap into the huge groundswell of opinion which is undoubtedly
>> building behind environmentalist causes, particularly amongst the
>> young. In countries like the UK young people just take it for
>> granted that something urgently needs to be done about the
>> environment; but they don't have any faith in the political parties
>> to deliver the required changes. So their convictions don't
>> translate into votes. And you can't blame them. The environment
>> hardly featured as an issue in the election we just had.
>> Things are going to change, I'm sure. But how much damage is the
>> planet going to sustain before the changes happen? It's a
>> frightening prospect.
>> Edward
>> On 05/01/2020 13:10, Helen Varley Jamieson wrote:
>> hi alan,
>> it is truly devastating & catastrophic what is happening in
>> australia, & outrageous that the government there continues to be so
>> fucking stupid. i heard that scott morrison (the prime minister, who
>> chose to have a hawaiian holiday in the midst of it all) would fly
>> out to china to discuss trade negotiations, including coal mining,
>> immediately after meeting with fire chiefs. his inability to make
>> the connections is staggering.
>> i have many family and friends in australia and everyone is affected
>> in some way; some have lost property, everyone is affected by the
>> smoke, my family & friends in new zealand are also seeing and
>> breathing the smoke. yes, an estimated half a billion birds, animals
>> & insects have died. and the fires are still burning, many out of
>> control, and no end in sight. this level of catastrophe has been
>> predicted - but not for another decade; everything is accelerating.
>> what can we do? suzon posted this list of donation links:
> https://www.abc.net.au/classic/read-and-watch/news/bushfire-donations/11823676
>> - there are plenty of places to make financial donations & if you
>> are in australia there are practical things you can do to help.
>> we can write to scott morrison (@scottmorrisonmp on twitter) and
>> other australian politicians, urging them to take the climate
>> emergency seriously (australia is one of the worst countries in the
>> world in terms of climate policy:
> https://www.sbs.com.au/news/australia-s-climate-change-policy-ranked-57-out-of-61-countries)
>> a related campaign that is well worth supporting is the long
>> struggle against the adani coal mine - is a major fossil-fuel
>> extraction project which will contribute massively to global warming
>> as well as being totally unethical. the queensland government
>> illegally rescinded native title to allow the mine to go ahead, &
>> the wangan & jagalingou indigenous people have been bankrupted
>> trying to stop the mine.
>> https://wanganjagalingou.com.au/pledge-to-stand-with-us/
>> https://www.acf.org.au/email_siemens_global
>> it's hard to wish a happy new year in the face of all of this (not
>> to mention the tragic zoo fire in germany, 30 primates killed thanks
>> to someone's carelessness) but i can only hope that the scale of
>> devastation will force politicians to accept that they must act,
>> urgently, and that we will enter into a decade of positive change
>> ...
>> h xx
>> On 03.01.20 20:26, Alan Sondheim wrote:
>> (Apologies for a 2nd post today; I think the situation warrants it.
>> How do we, as a community, respond to this? To the approx. 480m
>> killed? To a Ballard future collapsing around us? How do we stop
>> from harming ourselves, how can we act intelligently with this like
>> this - on top of all the other horrors? Because this is going to
>> spread of course; the ash on NZ glaciers accelerating melt. What do
>> we do? What do we do as a community?)
>> Fires in Australia
>> http://www.alansondheim.org/Victoria.jpg (map)
>> http://www.alansondheim.org/Victoria.mp3 (radio)
>> In Pennsylvania, we had house-destroying floods, mine fires,
>> highly polluted air. We went back and explored the area (around
>> Wilkes-Barre/Kingston) last April. I've had my own things
>> destroyed in floods several times, oddly including a storage
>> container in Los Angeles, a closet in Providence, my parents'
>> house in Kingston. But nothing, ever, like this. Reading Ballard,
>> the world's future is spelled out as a scenario for now. Teaching
>> "The Year 3000" back in the early 70s, I was face-to-face with
>> the statistics. I've continue to talk and write and think about
>> this. I was influenced by post-modern geography, and by the
>> collapsed flora of the Carboniferous/Pennsylvanian, which I
>> collected. I grew up negative. I've been following the fires and
>> started interviewing a few people by Skype, people from eastern
>> Australia. I'm trying to make sense of this, trying to find
>> optimism in a situation which I see as the beginning of something
>> problematic, horrifying. (I'll send the interviews out to the
>> lists.) I listened late last night (here) to the radio - a short
>> segment is above. The map gives some indication of locations.
>> There was a report that 480 million animals have died in the
>> fires. It's inconceivable, as is the number.
>> Best, hopefully, Alan
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>> helen varley jamieson
>> helen at creative-catalyst.com
>> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
>> http://www.upstage.org.nz
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