[NetBehaviour] New Book: A Study of the Parallels between Visual Art and Music

Michael Szpakowski m at michaelszpakowski.org
Tue Jan 7 14:41:06 CET 2020

It looks very interesting - for those of us currently without access to an academic library the $119 slightly demotivating though!

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 1:35 pm, Evelin Stermitz <es at mur.at> wrote:

Dear List Members,
maybe someone is interested in this new book just out now:

A Study of the Parallels between Visual Art and Music: The Big Misconception
by Boštjan Jurečič


Best wishes and greetings,

Evelin Stermitz
~ http://evelinstermitz.net
~ http://artfem.tv
~ http://world-of-female-avatars.net
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