[NetBehaviour] How is everyone?
Annie Abrahams
bram.org at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 09:27:47 CET 2020
sorry Ruth (and others) it is Paris time (CET, UTC+1)
Now weekly Distant Feelings (Friday 16h) and Distant Movements (Wednesday
16h) sessions of 15 min. Open to all.
On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 5:49 PM Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> Thank you for the news Annie, Helen, James, Edward, Ann, and Alan,
> It seems we are all most preoccupied with trying to work out what is
> correct behaviour - including how to negotiate our feelings towards the
> situation and each other.
> The details from all of you are fascinating and helpful.
> More please :)
> And Annie, please can you put a time zone on your Distant Feelings events.
> Warmly
> Ruth
> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:39 AM Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <
> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> In France we have been in confinement for about a week. I myself even
>> longer, because I am at risk.
>> In Holland they are slacker, which I thought to be "stupid" - there is
>> also very much attention to and interest in "the economy" that must go on.
>> France, although also trying to keep "it" up, seems a bit more social. At
>> least that is what I conclude when reading online journals from both
>> countries, the tone is different.
>> I thought the Dutch a bit selfish. But after this week I am not so sure
>> anymore they didn't take the right option. Dutch people still seem to be
>> optimistic, just going on, almost happy, while some French friends are
>> starting to show signs of depression - lack of contact, lack of being able
>> to use the body, too immersed in the screen, that also gives solace, so
>> even more immersed ... it is very difficult when you don't have a garden
>> ....
>> What seems to be important (part of a solution) is to use online
>> connexions, not just to talk, but to try to find ways to *do* something
>> together. Last Saturday I assisted in an improvised poetry reading. It was
>> energising.
>> Stay safe all
>> Annie
>> Ps
>> From this week we organise
>> weekly *Distant Feelings* (Friday 16h) and *Distant Movements*
>> (Wednesday 16h) sessions of 15 min. Open to all.
>> *intra/rupt/rompre*
>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/invitation-intra-rupt-rompre/
>> *intra/rompre/rupt*
>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/intra-rompre-rupt/
>> On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 11:11 PM Helen Varley Jamieson <
>> helen at creative-catalyst.com> wrote:
>>> here's an update from aotearoa new zealand:
>>> we are officially at "level 2" alert, which means social distancing, no
>>> non-essential travel, all community spaces like libraries, swimming pools,
>>> etc are closed. schools are still open, but it is being hotly debated
>>> whether/when they should also be closed. so far all covid19 cases are still
>>> connected to overseas travel, but it's tracking up quickly & there must be
>>> community transmission even if it's not yet confirmed.
>>> from what i can observe here (in dunedin, small southern university
>>> town), people are being quite sensible. there's no panic buying in our
>>> local supermarket, & the streets are quiet but not empty. just now on the
>>> radio there is an interview with some university students who are offering
>>> to bring groceries etc for elderly & people in isolation. community in
>>> action :) my 86-year-old mother is reluctantly staying home - all her
>>> activities like U3A & exercise class have been cancelled anyway, & her
>>> beloved library bus won't be coming to her neighbourhood. she has an
>>> abundant vegie garden & bursting freezer so no need to go out for a while!
>>> unfortunately my partner & i have to travel tomorrow - we're flying up
>>> to another small town in the north island to empty out the house of an
>>> uncle who died in february. at the moment, non-essential travel is
>>> discouraged but not forbidden, so we are hoping that we can get this job
>>> done as it's been a huge planning exercise. it's not a creative project,
>>> but i really resonate with ruth about furtherfield's situation - all of the
>>> planning that goes into it & then all of the work to change / adapt in such
>>> a rapidly changing situation ... it's exhausting & depressing. our lives as
>>> artists are precarious all the time so we're used to existing in a state of
>>> adaptability anyway, but now we're being pushed even further :/
>>> i am personally pretty relieved that i was already having a
>>> self-inflicted freelancer's sabbatical for the first 6-months of this year,
>>> so i haven't got any work lined up to get cancelled. however the trip home
>>> is certainly not turning out the way i expected! & i have no idea whether
>>> i'll get back to germany at the end of july ... at least that is still a
>>> long way away, & we are a lot better off on these distant islands than in
>>> the middle of the epicentre! munich is in total lockdown & our
>>> house-sitters sent video of civil defence vans driving through deserted
>>> streets broadcasting instructions to stay indoors. quite surreal!
>>> take care everyone, & if you need some socially distanced social
>>> interaction, come along to the Pandemic Party in UpStage this evening - 8am
>>> monday morning UK time.
>>> https://upstage.org.nz/?event=pandemic-party-and-open-walkthrough
>>> h : )
>>> On 23.03.20 07:51, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour wrote:
>>> Hi Ruth and everyone,
>>> Actually work hasn't been so bad. We've gone from mainly face-to-face
>>> consultations to what they call 'total triage' - nobody gets to see the
>>> doctor without him telephoning them first - within the space of a week. The
>>> nurse is still seeing people: you can't do things like blood tests and
>>> dressings over the telephone. But she has to wear the protective gear -
>>> face mask, gown, gloves - and change it once every few patients; and we've
>>> cancelled all the non-urgent stuff, like diabetic checks and asthma checks,
>>> the aim being to only have one or two people in the surgery at a time, not
>>> counting the staff.
>>> The local chemist has gone into meltdown. Everybody is panic-ordering
>>> their medication all at once. I went past the chemist on Saturday morning
>>> and the queue of people trying to get prescriptions was out the door. Lots
>>> of people are jumping ship from the local chemist to online pharmacies like
>>> Pharmacy2U, because the online pharmacies are set up to do home deliveries;
>>> but the elderly, who are the ones who really need home deliveries because
>>> they're the ones who can least afford to catch the virus, are least likely
>>> to make this move because they're the least techno-savvy section of
>>> society. There are other people who can help them out, though - 'social
>>> prescribing', which is where we direct patients to 'helping hand' agencies,
>>> has suddenly gone from being a peripheral thing to a front-and-centre
>>> option.
>>> Two things we're trying to get up and running are video consultations
>>> and remote working. We were given a laptop about a year ago by the Health
>>> Authority, which works off a VPN link, and the idea is that if you're at
>>> home and stick your smart card in it, you can log into the clinical system
>>> at the surgery and see patient records and do electronic prescribing and
>>> stuff just as if you were there. This would be brilliant, especially if
>>> David (the doctor) has to self-isolate at some point but still feels well
>>> enough to work - but the VPN licence has run out. We contacted the IT
>>> department to get it renewed once the crisis started to get serious, about
>>> ten days ago now, but of course they've been overwhelmed, so they haven't
>>> sorted it out for us yet.
>>> As regards video consultations - which would be really useful for things
>>> like people with rashes - we've managed to get these working via mobile
>>> phones, but it's very glitchy because the WiFi at the surgery keeps going
>>> wrong. Either it doesn't work at all, or it works with no internet
>>> connection, which has been pretty much how it's been ever since we had WiFi
>>> put in. The other option is to do video consultations on a desktop or
>>> laptop computer: there's a startup tech company called Nye, based in
>>> Oxford, which offers this for free, and we got it up and running on David's
>>> desktop, which is equipped with a USB camera - but then the camera
>>> immediately went wrong. This is pretty much how things work in the NHS. If
>>> the technology was in place and reliable, we could do a whole lot more.
>>> The most frustrating thing for me and David, I think, is the sheer
>>> volume of updates we're being sent. If I see one more email titled
>>> 'Covid-19 - urgent - for immediate action' I'm going to do an act of
>>> violence. You physically cannot keep up with all this stuff when the phone
>>> is constantly ringing and you've got a million other things to deal with.
>>> And the lack of testing is frustrating too. We've got a nurse who's been
>>> off for a week with Coronavirus-style symptoms, but of course we don't know
>>> whether it really is the Coronavirus or not - so if she comes back to work
>>> and then gets another sore throat, she'll have to self-isolate for another
>>> week.
>>> On the other hand in some ways it's kind of exhilarating. Suddenly we've
>>> been given a licence to ignore all the bureaucratic crap we usually spend
>>> our time struggling with, and that's quite liberating; and the pace at
>>> which we've managed to reorganize our services, with a lot of cooperation
>>> from the patients, it has to be said, has been startling.
>>> On a personal level my main concern has been shopping. I go to bed
>>> worrying about whether I'm going to be able to get any food in the shops
>>> the next day. I've done all right so far, but I normally don't get up to
>>> the Co-Op, which is our local supermarket, until after three o'clock, and
>>> by that time there's virtually nothing on the shelves; so I've been having
>>> to dodge out of work and make special trips up there at about 9.30, once
>>> I've got somebody else to cover the front desk. The other thing is that my
>>> demented Mum is in a care home a few miles from here, and they've closed
>>> their doors to visitors, so instead of going to see her twice a week, all
>>> of a sudden I'm not seeing her at all, which is a big change to my routine.
>>> You do get very fed up with the stupidity of the public at times,
>>> especially where things like panic buying and panic ordering of
>>> prescriptions are concerned. You think to yourself 'This is what we're like
>>> now - people have been brainwashed to be consumers, not citizens - they
>>> don't know how to act responsibly towards one another any more'. Then you
>>> come across people who are being really unselfish and helpful towards one
>>> another, and you realize that things are a lot more nuanced than that. And
>>> when I do get up to the Co-Op, everybody's giving everybody else
>>> elbow-bumps and making jokes about the state of things, and you think to
>>> yourself 'Oh well, at least there's one good thing about Britain - we do
>>> have a sense of humour'. You find yourself chatting to strangers, and you
>>> feel closer to the people who you already know, because there's a sense of
>>> all being in it together. Then something really annoying happens, or you
>>> have to deal with somebody who's being completely self-centred and
>>> unreasonable, and you're back to wanting to throttle everyone again.
>>> Edward
>>> On 22/03/2020 15:14, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> This last couple of weeks have been full of chaos and uncertainty for us
>>> in the UK - and much longer for others.
>>> The sudden shut down is clearly distributing immediate and extreme
>>> hardship very unevenly.
>>> I personally found the indefinite postponement of Furtherfield's 2020
>>> 'Love Machines' programme last Monday (in the week we had planned to
>>> announce everything) incredibly hard to do, and to handle. I know we will
>>> adapt and find another way to make things work, but that doesn't stop it
>>> being incredibly disappointing, frustrating and disorientating.
>>> I'm now starting to adjust but I wanted to share this personal
>>> (non-life-threatening) experience with you because I would like to hear
>>> more from everyone about how the Corona virus is effecting them, so we can
>>> build a better picture, beyond the numbers and the public announcements, to
>>> understand how things are changing. And most of all it would just be good
>>> to know how everyone is doing (from regular contributors to all lurkers).
>>> Warmly
>>> Ruth
>>> --
>>> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised
>>> Arts Lab
>>> +44 (0) 77370 02879
>>> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through exhibitions,
>>> labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking.
>>> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
>>> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
>>> technologies research hub
>>> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now.
>>> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
>>> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
>>> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
>>> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane,
>>> London, EC1A 9ET.
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>>> --
>>> helen varley jamieson
>>> helen at creative-catalyst.com
>>> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
>>> http://www.upstage.org.nz
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> --
> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts
> Lab
> +44 (0) 77370 02879
> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through exhibitions,
> labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking.
> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
> technologies research hub
> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now.
> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane, London,
> EC1A 9ET.
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> NetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
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