[NetBehaviour] How is everyone?

Ruth Catlow ruthcatlow at gmail.com
Wed Mar 25 00:15:09 CET 2020

Thanks Antonio, Isabel, Rob, Michael and Max,

Isabel, that sounds very intense. Where are you staying?

The long article about Socialism in the Time of Pandemics is fantastic. It
helps to have more history and more biology. Especially in view of the reported
debates in the USA. Brutal!

We keep hearing from many artists with cancelled projects. Hopefully the
government are about to announce proper support for freelancers and self
employed people. We are still working out what to do next at Furtherfield.

More please : )

On Tue, 24 Mar 2020, 12:44 Antonio Roberts, <antonio at hellocatfood.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I'm in Birmingham, UK and things seem okish. The UK officially went it
> lockdown today (Tuesday). It's different from places like France in that we
> don't need a permission slip to leave the house but the police now have
> powers to arrest people.
> The most annoying this has been watching people go on holidays to the
> countryside. I can almost understand this logic - a lonely hike in the
> woods - but if everyone does it then it's just another selfish mass
> gathering.
> In terms of work, like everyone I'm just trying to figure out how things
> will now work. Most of my "business" is done remotely on my laptop (no
> studio needed) but of course without galleries being open most of my work
> has dried up.
> Toplap just had four days of livestreamed audiovisual performances. This
> had been planned since around December but it's now taken on new meaning.
> Was really nice to have something to temporarily take your mind off the
> outside world.
> Antonio
> On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 08:59, isabelle arvers via NetBehaviour <
> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>> hello everybody,
>> I started in June 2019 an art and games world tour
>> <http://www.isabellearvers.com/category/art-and-games-world-tour/>to
>> celebrate my 20 years of curatorship in art and video games. When borders
>> started to get closed, I was in Ghana doing my research on the local art
>> and games scene. As my Ghanean visa was about to expire, I passed the
>> border by the road to Togo where I am now stuck, waiting to be repatriated
>> to France as soon as possible as the Togolese health system is almost
>> inexistant. Togo closed all its borders, schools, universities, bars, and
>> even main cities.
>> All the best to everyone,
>> Isabelle
>> [image:
>> http://www.isabellearvers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/animLogo.gif]
>> <http://www.isabellearvers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/animLogo.gif>
>> Isabelle Arvers
>> Curator, art critic and artist
>> http://www.isabellearvers.com
>> http://www.isabellearvers.com/category/art-and-games-world-tour/
>> https://www.facebook.com/ArtGamesWorldTour
>> Director of Kareron for art & games lovers! www.kareron.com
>> <http://www.kareron.com/>
>> Machinima workshops: youtube.com/zabarvers
>> Artworks: https://vimeo.com/isabellearvers
>> Pleade Trainer: solution for digital heritage valorisation
>> https://pleade.com/?locale=en
>> Twitter: @zabarvers
>> instagram.com/zabarvers
>> Skype ID: iarvers
>> Wattsap: +33 661 998 386
>> Le mar. 24 mars 2020 à 08:30, Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <
>> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> a écrit :
>>> sorry Ruth (and others) it is Paris time (CET, UTC+1)
>>> -----------------------
>>> Now weekly Distant Feelings (Friday 16h) and Distant Movements
>>> (Wednesday 16h) sessions of 15 min. Open to all.
>>> *intra/rupt/rompre*
>>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/invitation-intra-rupt-rompre/
>>> *intra/rompre/rupt*
>>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/intra-rompre-rupt/
>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 5:49 PM Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour <
>>> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for the news Annie, Helen, James, Edward, Ann, and Alan,
>>>> It seems we are all most preoccupied with trying to work out what is
>>>> correct behaviour - including how to negotiate our feelings towards the
>>>> situation and each other.
>>>> The details from all of you are fascinating and helpful.
>>>> More please :)
>>>> And Annie, please can you put a time zone on your Distant Feelings
>>>> events.
>>>> Warmly
>>>> Ruth
>>>> On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 11:39 AM Annie Abrahams via NetBehaviour <
>>>> netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> In France we have been in confinement for about a week. I myself even
>>>>> longer, because I am at risk.
>>>>> In Holland they are slacker, which I thought to be "stupid" - there is
>>>>> also very much attention to and interest in "the economy" that must go on.
>>>>> France, although also trying to keep "it" up, seems a bit more social. At
>>>>> least that is what I conclude when reading online journals from both
>>>>> countries, the tone is different.
>>>>> I thought the Dutch a bit selfish. But after this week I am not so
>>>>> sure anymore they didn't take the right option. Dutch people still seem to
>>>>> be optimistic, just going on, almost happy, while some French friends are
>>>>> starting to show signs of depression - lack of contact, lack of being able
>>>>> to use the body, too immersed in the screen, that also gives solace, so
>>>>> even more immersed ... it is very difficult when you don't have a garden
>>>>> ....
>>>>> What seems to be important (part of a solution) is to use online
>>>>> connexions, not just to talk, but to try to find ways to *do*
>>>>> something together. Last Saturday I assisted in an improvised poetry
>>>>> reading. It was energising.
>>>>> Stay safe all
>>>>> Annie
>>>>> Ps
>>>>> From this week we organise
>>>>> weekly *Distant Feelings* (Friday 16h) and *Distant Movements*
>>>>> (Wednesday 16h) sessions of 15 min. Open to all.
>>>>> *intra/rupt/rompre*
>>>>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/invitation-intra-rupt-rompre/
>>>>> *intra/rompre/rupt*
>>>>> https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2020/03/19/intra-rompre-rupt/
>>>>> On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 11:11 PM Helen Varley Jamieson <
>>>>> helen at creative-catalyst.com> wrote:
>>>>>> here's an update from aotearoa new zealand:
>>>>>> we are officially at "level 2" alert, which means social distancing,
>>>>>> no non-essential travel, all community spaces like libraries, swimming
>>>>>> pools, etc are closed. schools are still open, but it is being hotly
>>>>>> debated whether/when they should also be closed. so far all covid19 cases
>>>>>> are still connected to overseas travel, but it's tracking up quickly &
>>>>>> there must be community transmission even if it's not yet confirmed.
>>>>>> from what i can observe here (in dunedin, small southern university
>>>>>> town), people are being quite sensible. there's no panic buying in our
>>>>>> local supermarket, & the streets are quiet but not empty. just now on the
>>>>>> radio there is an interview with some university students who are offering
>>>>>> to bring groceries etc for elderly & people in isolation. community in
>>>>>> action :) my 86-year-old mother is reluctantly staying home - all her
>>>>>> activities like U3A & exercise class have been cancelled anyway, & her
>>>>>> beloved library bus won't be coming to her neighbourhood. she has an
>>>>>> abundant vegie garden & bursting freezer so no need to go out for a while!
>>>>>> unfortunately my partner & i have to travel tomorrow - we're flying
>>>>>> up to another small town in the north island to empty out the house of an
>>>>>> uncle who died in february. at the moment, non-essential travel is
>>>>>> discouraged but not forbidden, so we are hoping that we can get this job
>>>>>> done as it's been a huge planning exercise. it's not a creative project,
>>>>>> but i really resonate with ruth about furtherfield's situation - all of the
>>>>>> planning that goes into it & then all of the work to change / adapt in such
>>>>>> a rapidly changing situation ... it's exhausting & depressing. our lives as
>>>>>> artists are precarious all the time so we're used to existing in a state of
>>>>>> adaptability anyway, but now we're being pushed even further :/
>>>>>> i am personally pretty relieved that i was already having a
>>>>>> self-inflicted freelancer's sabbatical for the first 6-months of this year,
>>>>>> so i haven't got any work lined up to get cancelled. however the trip home
>>>>>> is certainly not turning out the way i expected! & i have no idea whether
>>>>>> i'll get back to germany at the end of july ... at least that is still a
>>>>>> long way away, & we are a lot better off on these distant islands than in
>>>>>> the middle of the epicentre! munich is in total lockdown & our
>>>>>> house-sitters sent video of civil defence vans driving through deserted
>>>>>> streets broadcasting instructions to stay indoors. quite surreal!
>>>>>> take care everyone, & if you need some socially distanced social
>>>>>> interaction, come along to the Pandemic Party in UpStage this evening - 8am
>>>>>> monday morning UK time.
>>>>>> https://upstage.org.nz/?event=pandemic-party-and-open-walkthrough
>>>>>> h : )
>>>>>> On 23.03.20 07:51, Edward Picot via NetBehaviour wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ruth and everyone,
>>>>>> Actually work hasn't been so bad. We've gone from mainly face-to-face
>>>>>> consultations to what they call 'total triage' - nobody gets to see the
>>>>>> doctor without him telephoning them first - within the space of a week. The
>>>>>> nurse is still seeing people: you can't do things like blood tests and
>>>>>> dressings over the telephone. But she has to wear the protective gear -
>>>>>> face mask, gown, gloves - and change it once every few patients; and we've
>>>>>> cancelled all the non-urgent stuff, like diabetic checks and asthma checks,
>>>>>> the aim being to only have one or two people in the surgery at a time, not
>>>>>> counting the staff.
>>>>>> The local chemist has gone into meltdown. Everybody is panic-ordering
>>>>>> their medication all at once. I went past the chemist on Saturday morning
>>>>>> and the queue of people trying to get prescriptions was out the door. Lots
>>>>>> of people are jumping ship from the local chemist to online pharmacies like
>>>>>> Pharmacy2U, because the online pharmacies are set up to do home deliveries;
>>>>>> but the elderly, who are the ones who really need home deliveries because
>>>>>> they're the ones who can least afford to catch the virus, are least likely
>>>>>> to make this move because they're the least techno-savvy section of
>>>>>> society. There are other people who can help them out, though - 'social
>>>>>> prescribing', which is where we direct patients to 'helping hand' agencies,
>>>>>> has suddenly gone from being a peripheral thing to a front-and-centre
>>>>>> option.
>>>>>> Two things we're trying to get up and running are video consultations
>>>>>> and remote working. We were given a laptop about a year ago by the Health
>>>>>> Authority, which works off a VPN link, and the idea is that if you're at
>>>>>> home and stick your smart card in it, you can log into the clinical system
>>>>>> at the surgery and see patient records and do electronic prescribing and
>>>>>> stuff just as if you were there. This would be brilliant, especially if
>>>>>> David (the doctor) has to self-isolate at some point but still feels well
>>>>>> enough to work - but the VPN licence has run out. We contacted the IT
>>>>>> department to get it renewed once the crisis started to get serious, about
>>>>>> ten days ago now, but of course they've been overwhelmed, so they haven't
>>>>>> sorted it out for us yet.
>>>>>> As regards video consultations - which would be really useful for
>>>>>> things like people with rashes - we've managed to get these working via
>>>>>> mobile phones, but it's very glitchy because the WiFi at the surgery keeps
>>>>>> going wrong. Either it doesn't work at all, or it works with no internet
>>>>>> connection, which has been pretty much how it's been ever since we had WiFi
>>>>>> put in. The other option is to do video consultations on a desktop or
>>>>>> laptop computer: there's a startup tech company called Nye, based in
>>>>>> Oxford, which offers this for free, and we got it up and running on David's
>>>>>> desktop, which is equipped with a USB camera - but then the camera
>>>>>> immediately went wrong. This is pretty much how things work in the NHS. If
>>>>>> the technology was in place and reliable, we could do a whole lot more.
>>>>>> The most frustrating thing for me and David, I think, is the sheer
>>>>>> volume of updates we're being sent. If I see one more email titled
>>>>>> 'Covid-19 - urgent - for immediate action' I'm going to do an act of
>>>>>> violence. You physically cannot keep up with all this stuff when the phone
>>>>>> is constantly ringing and you've got a million other things to deal with.
>>>>>> And the lack of testing is frustrating too. We've got a nurse who's been
>>>>>> off for a week with Coronavirus-style symptoms, but of course we don't know
>>>>>> whether it really is the Coronavirus or not - so if she comes back to work
>>>>>> and then gets another sore throat, she'll have to self-isolate for another
>>>>>> week.
>>>>>> On the other hand in some ways it's kind of exhilarating. Suddenly
>>>>>> we've been given a licence to ignore all the bureaucratic crap we usually
>>>>>> spend our time struggling with, and that's quite liberating; and the pace
>>>>>> at which we've managed to reorganize our services, with a lot of
>>>>>> cooperation from the patients, it has to be said, has been startling.
>>>>>> On a personal level my main concern has been shopping. I go to bed
>>>>>> worrying about whether I'm going to be able to get any food in the shops
>>>>>> the next day. I've done all right so far, but I normally don't get up to
>>>>>> the Co-Op, which is our local supermarket, until after three o'clock, and
>>>>>> by that time there's virtually nothing on the shelves; so I've been having
>>>>>> to dodge out of work and make special trips up there at about 9.30, once
>>>>>> I've got somebody else to cover the front desk. The other thing is that my
>>>>>> demented Mum is in a care home a few miles from here, and they've closed
>>>>>> their doors to visitors, so instead of going to see her twice a week, all
>>>>>> of a sudden I'm not seeing her at all, which is a big change to my routine.
>>>>>> You do get very fed up with the stupidity of the public at times,
>>>>>> especially where things like panic buying and panic ordering of
>>>>>> prescriptions are concerned. You think to yourself 'This is what we're like
>>>>>> now - people have been brainwashed to be consumers, not citizens - they
>>>>>> don't know how to act responsibly towards one another any more'. Then you
>>>>>> come across people who are being really unselfish and helpful towards one
>>>>>> another, and you realize that things are a lot more nuanced than that. And
>>>>>> when I do get up to the Co-Op, everybody's giving everybody else
>>>>>> elbow-bumps and making jokes about the state of things, and you think to
>>>>>> yourself 'Oh well, at least there's one good thing about Britain - we do
>>>>>> have a sense of humour'. You find yourself chatting to strangers, and you
>>>>>> feel closer to the people who you already know, because there's a sense of
>>>>>> all being in it together. Then something really annoying happens, or you
>>>>>> have to deal with somebody who's being completely self-centred and
>>>>>> unreasonable, and you're back to wanting to throttle everyone again.
>>>>>> Edward
>>>>>> On 22/03/2020 15:14, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour wrote:
>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>> This last couple of weeks have been full of chaos and uncertainty for
>>>>>> us in the UK - and much longer for others.
>>>>>> The sudden shut down is clearly distributing immediate and extreme
>>>>>> hardship very unevenly.
>>>>>> I personally found the indefinite postponement of Furtherfield's 2020
>>>>>> 'Love Machines' programme last Monday (in the week we had planned to
>>>>>> announce everything) incredibly hard to do, and to handle. I know we will
>>>>>> adapt and find another way to make things work, but that doesn't stop it
>>>>>> being incredibly disappointing, frustrating and disorientating.
>>>>>> I'm now starting to adjust but I wanted to share this personal
>>>>>> (non-life-threatening) experience with you because I would like to hear
>>>>>> more from everyone about how the Corona virus is effecting them, so we can
>>>>>> build a better picture, beyond the numbers and the public announcements, to
>>>>>> understand how things are changing. And most of all it would just be good
>>>>>> to know how everyone is doing (from regular contributors to all lurkers).
>>>>>> Warmly
>>>>>> Ruth
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised
>>>>>> Arts Lab
>>>>>> +44 (0) 77370 02879
>>>>>> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through exhibitions,
>>>>>> labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking.
>>>>>> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
>>>>>> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
>>>>>> technologies research hub
>>>>>> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies
>>>>>> now.
>>>>>> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
>>>>>> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
>>>>>> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
>>>>>> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane,
>>>>>> London, EC1A 9ET.
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> NetBehaviour mailing listNetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.orghttps://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
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>>>>>> NetBehaviour mailing listNetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.orghttps://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> helen varley jamieson
>>>>>> helen at creative-catalyst.com
>>>>>> http://www.creative-catalyst.com
>>>>>> http://www.upstage.org.nz
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> NetBehaviour mailing list
>>>>>> NetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
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>>>>> NetBehaviour mailing list
>>>>> NetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
>>>>> https://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
>>>> --
>>>> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised
>>>> Arts Lab
>>>> +44 (0) 77370 02879
>>>> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through exhibitions,
>>>> labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking.
>>>> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
>>>> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
>>>> technologies research hub
>>>> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies
>>>> now.
>>>> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
>>>> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
>>>> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
>>>> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane,
>>>> London, EC1A 9ET.
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>>>> NetBehaviour mailing list
>>>> NetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
>>>> https://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour
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> --
> ============================
> antonio at hellocatfood.com
> http://www.hellocatfood.com
> ============================
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