[NetBehaviour] breathless musication by ZADL

Annie Abrahams bram.org at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 10:14:13 CEST 2021

nice Alan

On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 8:46 AM Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:

> breathless musication by ZADL
> https://youtu.be/0uOXV4VxBNY video
> http://www.alansondheim.org/organqin.jpg
> Azure Carter, photos, setup
> Rachel Rosenkrantz, bass
> Edward Schneider, alto
> Alan Sondheim, Beatty pump organ 1878, guqin
> First, this is playing a pump organ at the Chinese goochin along
> with it's narder's playing Alto sax i'm grosshau rosencranz
> playing stand up bass and alsohn time playing what guqin and pump
> organ and as your carter doing what where she is taking the
> photographs doing the rearranging of the furniture with me and
> where trying to see what we can do to make all of this work in a
> very small space and some Finn eagling had to be done to get this
> to appear reasonable at all and hope you might enjoy this ugly
> sufficiently pazar lee beaterifix experimentation . so enjoy and
> see if there's anything that you might be able to find out in
> this would be of interest to you word to any of your friends who
> are interested in the oddly experimental music on acoustic
> instruments or even word to other word people who might be going
> down the narrow canals of England on narrower boats that are
> narrower than the narrow canals*  and there might be something to
> that anyway it's a Chinese guchin juice QIN GUQIN not capitals
> all small GUQAN no GUQIN tiny tiny letters a di Oregon is obadi
> Oregon from 1878 fancy Oregon is it Beatty Oregon pump organ from
> 1878 . See what you think ! Here what you sea !
> *necessary for going
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