[NetBehaviour] Woven Qin

Simon Mclennan mclennanfilm at gmail.com
Sat Apr 10 16:25:41 CEST 2021

This is a nice piece of qin music. I listened in a meditative mood of afternoon drizzle and cold
English weather. The mood
Was enhanced as my feet 
Toasted under a wooden blanket and my nodding head
Started to nod even more.
Thanks Alan!

Sent from my spyphone 

> On 10 Apr 2021, at 00:21, Alan Sondheim <sondheim at panix.com> wrote:
> Woven Qin
> http://www.alansondheim.org/woven.mp3
> http://www.alansondheim.org/woven.jpg
> My qin has a problem on the fourth highest string which is that
> there is a ringing sound coming from it and I think I know now
> that the ringing sound is from a very slight band in the string
> about 2-3 cm from where it attaches to the lower bridge . I've
> worked to try to get this straightened out but I will live with
> it because it is too difficult and the tension is too delicate
> to do anything but live with it . in the mean time I'm having
> constant difficulties trying to find the proper positions of my
> fingers on the strings . 7 strings and any number of positions
> which I get it to some extent by the dots that represent the
> harmonics . but on the other hand was happening is that I'm
> forgetting the in between positions and the relative positioning
> of each string in relationship to the others particularly at the
> lower end of things. I've been working and working on this and
> wondering if something is going in my mind yet again so that the
> positioning isn't becoming tacit knowledge but instead is
> something I have to constantly calculate and re calculate. you
> have no idea how depressing this can be . it means I can't play
> naturally my hands dancing on the strings but have to think have
> to think every so often and slow up and rework the positioning
> of my hands to be correct . sometimes I'll draw it a complete
> blank period . sometimes I'll draw a complete blank . I don't
> know what that means when that happens but I think it's
> connected with covid with the epidemic. In any case here is some
> music that I think turned out alright. I've placed the qin on
> some softe cloth in order to somewhat subdue the upper harmonics
> where the problem is lying with the fourth string or the third
> depending on which end you're counting from. Thank you and have
> a listen, this has been a struggle.
> __
> Did You Know ? Every hour grows up to be an hour and a half !!
> ___
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