[NetBehaviour] Your Vote is Important to the People's Park Plinth! ✨🗳

Helen Varley Jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Mon Aug 30 01:21:34 CEST 2021

hmm, i guess i must have deleted it; i registered the other day but
never saw a token. i'm unable to keep up with my lists for a while so
have been randomly deleting stuff ... :/

On 30.08.21 03:05, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour wrote:
> Lovely writing and very appreciative of your ongoing attention Max.
> If any others here haven't yet voted...you can look at the work and
> register here https://peoplesparkplinth.org/
> <https://peoplesparkplinth.org/> until Tuesday 31st. 
> Registration closes at 8.30pm and then the vote closes at 12 midnight. BST
> We are discovering a few wrinkles <sigh> 
> If you already registered or are a subscriber to Furtherfield then
> your token has already been delivered to you by email with the subject
> header “It’s Time to Vote for the People’s Park Plinth at Furtherfield
> Gallery”. Please check in your inbox (and spam folders).
> Warmly
> Ruth
> On Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 5:51 PM Max Herman <maxnmherman at hotmail.com
> <mailto:maxnmherman at hotmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Ruth,
>     I just finished voting and think this is a fantastic concept and
>     framework.  The participatory nature of it is so important for
>     sustainable and resilient art community.  Mammoth frameworks of
>     big-data algorithms and high-dollar collector transactions simply
>     don't do certain things that are well worth doing.  Perhaps these
>     omitted processes may be even more than just worth doing, but
>     simply necessary for that which we call aesthetic culture to thrive.  
>     It's so easy to forget that the big-name objects collecting
>     mega-price transactions started off as people hanging out in
>     coffee shops speculating about art and life and literature and
>     participating actively, experimenting, with little or no audience
>     and on a shoestring.  It's equally easy to forget that we are all
>     writing and revising our own inner algorithms so to speak, our
>     choices and plans and modes of experience, all day every day
>     whether we do so consciously or not.
>     One aspect of Leonardo which I have found so surprising is his
>     genuine sense of his own transience.  He very much wanted for his
>     work to be preserved over time -- given the hostility to all art
>     and science that our daily crises can foster by default -- but he
>     understood perhaps even better than we do the limits of fame,
>     immortality, and adulation.  He wrote, "Once daylight appears, we
>     can put out the lamp we lit to see in the dark."  It's a metaphor
>     of course -- he wasn't trying to help us with our literal home
>     lighting decisions -- and one that makes the most sense to me in a
>     context of knowledge-sharing, the metamorphic nature of art, and
>     the transient cyclical nature of aesthetic value.  Trying to
>     freeze such transience he knew would merely lead to oversized
>     edifices of diminishing function and, paradoxically, increasing
>     instability as the massive structures lose proportionality to
>     place, time, people, nature, and so on.
>     Thanks again for sharing this great work on list.  The in-person
>     event sounds like it was even more excellent!
>     All best and congratulations,
>     Max
>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     *From:* NetBehaviour <netbehaviour-bounces at lists.netbehaviour.org
>     <mailto:netbehaviour-bounces at lists.netbehaviour.org>> on behalf of
>     Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
>     <mailto:netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org>>
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:47 AM
>     *To:* NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
>     <netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
>     <mailto:netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org>>
>     *Cc:* Ruth Catlow <ruthcatlow at gmail.com <mailto:ruthcatlow at gmail.com>>
>     *Subject:* [NetBehaviour] Your Vote is Important to the People's
>     Park Plinth! ✨🗳
>     And finally an unseemly plea to anyone who has not yet voted...
>     Please do vote now, here https://peoplesparkplinth.org/
>     <https://peoplesparkplinth.org/> (on your smart phone)
>     We know YOU know what great digital art looks like!
>     So your vote matters as well as any feedback you can give us about
>     the voting process.
>     See below for more details about the project.
>     Thank you!
>     :) Ruth
>     View this email in your browser
>     <https://mailchi.mp/furtherfield/join-the-inaugural-culturestake-vote?e=d1746ee6ff>
>       *  <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=7a71a5271c&e=d1746ee6ff>*
>     On the *14th of August 2021*, we launched
>     the *CultureStake* collective cultural decision-making app
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=ae99b600b1&e=d1746ee6ff> at
>     a live voting event with hundreds of people in
>     a hot and sunny Finsbury Park.
>     Furtherfield Gallery. Photo: Hydar Dewachi ®
>     You too can now experience collective cultural decision making
>     using the *CultureStake app* by:
>     1.
>         Heading over to the *Furtherfield Gallery* in *Finsbury
>         Park* or clicking this link
>         <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=8267aca03c&e=d1746ee6ff> to
>         the exhibition website. 
>     2.
>         Providing your *email address* so we can send you a *magical
>         voting token*.
>     3.
>         Viewing all *3 digital artworks* currently on display on
>         the *People’s Park Plinth*. (Either go to Furtherfield Gallery
>         and scan the QR codes and follow them around the park or click
>         the links on the website and experience the remote versions)
>     4.
>         Activating your *magical voting token* when it arrives by
>         email *(within 24 hours)*
>     5.
>         Using the *CultureStake app* to express your opinions on the
>         artworks. 
>         <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=b9a0f9108c&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=6be8b87f5b&e=d1746ee6ff>                
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=cbf27b1b45&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     *CultureStake* *app* preview for the People's Park Plinth (August
>     2021)
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=7092483291&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     At *CultureStake* we want to: 
>      *
>         End elitism around the arts - by opening cultural decision
>         making to wider groups and providing more agency to communities. 
>      *
>         Enable people to have a stake in what cultural activities get
>         produced in their locality 
>      *
>         Explore together as communities what cultural experiences we
>         want to have in the places that matter to us.
>     Furtherfield Gallery. Photo: Hydar Dewachi ®
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=adcf96c437&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     *CultureStake* is a web app for community decision making around
>     culture: 
>     *For Communities *
>     We *create* an *appetite* for culture by encouraging communities
>     to explore and learn together what we want to experience in our
>     localities. For example, how might a theatre audience cast a play
>     differently or a park community curate a public art exhibition?
>     *For Cultural Organisations *
>     We *facilitate* a deeper and richer, more open consultation with
>     the communities cultural organisations work for. For example, a
>     city council might need to find out which new artwork should
>     occupy a recently vacated public plinth. Or an arts organisation
>     might need to know which artist on their shortlist should be next
>     summer’s blockbuster. 
>     *For All *
>     We *create data commons* that widens the conversation about how
>     art is valued by different communities around the world. 
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=cb9ed7abd5&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=e72f1f33ab&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=a8ae6a69e0&e=d1746ee6ff>
>     *A Portfolio of Cultural Communities *
>     Over time we aim to add *thousands of cultural experiences* to
>     the *CultureStake portfolio* in league with other cultural
>     communities. Cultural organisations can add to this with new
>     artist commissions or pick from the portfolio. This will allow
>     artists and arts organisations to explore and test new ideas in
>     new contexts and enable projects to be easily picked up in
>     different locations with different communities. 
>     *Vote Weighting For People in Places*
>     Any *voting event* can apply vote weighting in a number of
>     different scenarios. This means for example, that those closest to
>     the issues can have their vote weighted to mean more overall. For
>     instance, local votes might be given more weight in an
>     international selection process for a new public artwork.
>     For more about CultureStake see our website
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=8ad4a0f0a5&e=d1746ee6ff> and FAQs
>     <https://furtherfield.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d227b6380a87c752902c8a55&id=52f8cc8f4d&e=d1746ee6ff>.
>     Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
>     Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
>     Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane,
>     London, EC1A 9ET.
> -- 
> Ruth Catlow
> she/her
> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised
> Arts Lab
> +44 (0) 77370 02879 
> *I will only agree to speak at events that are racially and gender
> balanced. 
> **sending thanks
> <https://www.ovoenergy.com/ovo-newsroom/press-releases/2019/november/think-before-you-thank-if-every-brit-sent-one-less-thank-you-email-a-day-we-would-save-16433-tonnes-of-carbon-a-year-the-same-as-81152-flights-to-madrid.html> in
> advance
> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through
> exhibitions, labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free
> thinking.
> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
> technologiesresearch hub
> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now.
> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane,
> London, EC1A 9ET.
> _______________________________________________
> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org
> https://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

helen varley jamieson

helen at creative-catalyst.com <mailto:helen at creative-catalyst.com>
http://www.creative-catalyst.com <http://www.creative-catalyst.com>
http://www.upstage.org.nz <http://www.upstage.org.nz>
https://mobilise-demobilise.eu <https://mobilise-demobilise.eu/>

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