[NetBehaviour] The Situationist Blockchain
Meredith Finkelstein Chang
mnfinkel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 17 01:02:06 UTC 2021
I love the concept of “Proof of Non-Work Consensus Protocol” - very elegant
Consensus algorithm as art practice something I have not seen much of.
Much of the current NFT craze is definitely a capitalist spectacle ...
The concept of a non-fungible gesture is very compelling. In what way is a
smart contract or algorithm a gesture or in what way do gestures resists
'codification'? Also this book came to mind - "The Minor Gesture by Erin
(This project reminds me of an unpaid labor coin I made a while back)
much love and thanks for sharing this
On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 12:11 AM Eryk Salvaggio via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Wanted to share a new piece of work created for an art & research
> residency, “Excavations: Governance Archeology for the Future of the
> Internet,” created by UCBoulder and King’s College, London:
> https://excavations.digital/
> The goal was to research pre-digital forms of governance and imagine
> adapting them to contemporary online governance structures.
> Our proposal was to study the Situationist International and attempt to
> reconcile the anarchic stance with protocols and ideologies around
> cryptocurrencies. The result is The Situationist Blockchain, or LutteCoin:
> http://LutteCoin.com
> ++++
> From the exhibition website:
> ++++
> We propose a decentralized peer-to-peer Situationist blockchain. The
> Situationist International was a French anarchist movement inspired by
> surrealism, Dada, and libertarian Marxism. They proposed that we navigate
> the world through a "mystifying illusion" of spectacles present in
> advertising, films -- even vacations and leisure -- that consolidates
> control in the name of economic productivity. This is true on its face: we
> spend hours of "free" time on social networks, for example, turning that
> leisure into data which is collected and sold by those providing us with
> "leisure." This is, fundamentally, an employee relationship being given
> freely to corporations. UX interfaces and digital interactions extend the
> spectacle, rewarding users with illusions in exchange for distracting them
> from the ways they wish to actually live.
> Abandoning the spectacle of economic productivity, our “Proof of Non-Work
> Consensus Protocol” turns devices into an otherwise useless object, or
> “brick.” Users, liberated from the spectacle of electronic interfaces,
> pursue other dreams. Meanwhile, the devices mine and create
> cryptocurrencies only to be immediately burned. The devices are essentially
> frozen and interfaces made inaccessible. The CPU power processes at full
> capacity, and cannot be turned off. Eventually, they burn out, and with it,
> so does any currency it has produced. This perfects the process of
> automating human leisure, mining and destroying wealth in an endless parody
> of economics.
> ++++
> There is also a write up of the research, included as a white paper for
> the “cryptocurrency” we’re pitching, which explores the relationship we’ve
> identified between financialization, the seductive allure of “liberatory”
> cryptocurrencies, and the spectacle of user interfaces under surveillance
> capitalism:
> https://static1.squarespace.com/static/615ba1842a6b1371238ebc60/t/6196a151193b52305fabe677/1637261649657/LutteCoin.pdf
> I welcome any feedback from the NetBehavior community on this project!
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