[NetBehaviour] Mobilise/Demobilise video and new UpStage platform ...

Helen Varley Jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Wed Dec 22 09:58:05 UTC 2021

dear netbehaviourists,

as we come to the end of another weird and wonderful year, i would like
to share with you the results of my current collaboration,

we have just released the video documentation from the festival in
october, which also launched the rebuilt UpStage platform. the video has
been edited by suzon fuks :) three cyberformances were presented at the
festival: "go go go" by schaumbad - freies atelierhas graz; "reMove" by
teater interakt (malmö, sweden) and "repose" by vicki smith &
collaborators (aotearoa new zealand). the video also shows some of the
research and development:


the new UpStage is now live and beautiful; in february we will restart
open walkthroughs - online sessions for interested people to learn how
to use the platform. more info:

the project has been a lot of fun so far and has attracted a really
great team of collaborators, including a 50% female development team :)
Mobilise/Demobilise continues throughout 2022, so there will be more
opportunities to see the performances live; & UpStage is there for other
artists to use for their own projects as well.

wishing you all a peaceful & healthy festive season!

h : )


helen varley jamieson

helen at creative-catalyst.com <mailto:helen at creative-catalyst.com>
http://www.creative-catalyst.com <http://www.creative-catalyst.com>
http://www.upstage.org.nz <http://www.upstage.org.nz>
https://mobilise-demobilise.eu <https://mobilise-demobilise.eu/>

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