[NetBehaviour] Explanation perhaps of my hallucinations:

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sat Jan 2 02:28:38 CET 2021

Explanation perhaps of my hallucinations:

https://youtu.be/zfhIa6McHeQ  VIDEO

"So last night I had a severe dizzy spell or a sense of
vertigo. Everything in the room was swimming around and
tilting and I became scared. I've been dizzy before - everyone
has - but not to this extent. This was something I'd never
experienced before. Azure was wearing a bathrobe and there was
a design on the bathrobe and the elements in the design which
if I remember correctly were flowers were swirling around on
their own. When I tried to focus on the room the room would
tilt one way or another. I became frightening frightened. I
took a pill I think it's called meclizine - It's designed to
help with dizziness. It didn't seem to make any difference. I
didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes. Now here's the
strange thing. When my eyes were closed I opened them very
very slightly and on the left-hand side of the room I saw an"

-- Thus begins the siege of vertigo and hallucination I had
several days ago; I put the full text up and it can be found in
http://www.alansondheim.org/xv.txt (search for "Pinecone").
Thinking about it further, here is one potential explanation
(see the video) - not of the vertigo per se, but of the
accompanying hallucinations:

https://youtu.be/zfhIa6McHeQ VIDEO

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