[NetBehaviour] Anything

{ brad brace } bbrace at eskimo.com
Sat Jan 2 17:15:25 CET 2021


anything's better than this: 226 pp; 122 mb: collection of Pantone Violet (coated) Duotones sourced from online retail & social sites: 
from folder entitled: Satin Sleepware but also included are glass elephants, short pleated plaid skirts 
->https://www.bbrace.net/ppp/ppp.html, erotic-ware, pointy things, paintings, photographs, sculpture, compartments, large engines, 
futanari and emphemera, utensils and good welds -- narratives seep unbidden betwixt slippery juxtapositions -- apologies to previous 
publishers for use of their images jerked from proprietary contexts: now transplanted but owner will attain required model releases if 
full financial compensation is provided along with purchase of said limited edition photobook [blocked from Amazon]

http://bradbracebook.store/000pdfs/Anything.pdf (limited time download)


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