[NetBehaviour] Phenomenology of Murk

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Jan 7 18:26:04 CET 2021

Phenomenology of Murk


Ask Google no us Google in gauges in mirchi but uproarious
giggling embarrassing wars. down the recessed halls of
communication things get murkier in return within the sonnet
itself as in Apple or application or app or applied. so that the
merc resolves so that it revolves into a murky politics land
vandali shoes and acetic interference. acetic should never
interfere with land varying. the film came back from the lab and
was put in the box then it got mirky. perhaps it was leakage of
light in the box. perhaps something happened in the lab. One can
write community lifestyle theory iturtle for example user Sarah
turtles and wired magazines for 2 are almost synonymous in this
structure or struct. Life on the screen becomes the second self
in the writing of Sherry turkle. Things get murky when computers
are combined with the human spirit are combined with flesh are
combined with prosthetics are combined with AR or skin robotics.
This is a remnant or residue of light striking me in the middle
of the night and something I might say about computers and the
human spirit if only the human spirit would listen. These files
are the remains residues of larger works such as thrilled be 35
compositions of the backgrounds of membranes and networks. yes
it's like that and so murky that I can't remember the detail. but
I do know that a membrane is composed of nodes or better
considered critical marks but it absence these and it's this
absenting of the nodes are critical marks or even ignoring them
and that creates the framework for classical Greek full full
assefi bound to classical Greek semantics even I know this and
I'm not sure where it would go from there. I'm not sure where it
would go then there is the larger works or the largest works 35
volumes dealing with trilled me period.

But and merck's there is clarity, the clarity of merck the
internal workings of AI almost never ever known in details but in
putting overall systemics or carapace, and that merck seethes in
three dimensional turbulence for example the interior auriti of a
Burmese percussion plaque or kayitesi. New thinking and all
thought, old thinking a new thought. The merkos not a mark, amarc
is not merk, think of the dissipation of ice, did dissipation of

Is it gross advice , the growth of air, the gross of merck, is it
gross advice, the groethe advice, igro is of air, the growth of
merck, the groiss of Newark, the grow is aracama Nick grois of
systemics or the groiss of carapus , the growth of seizing segro
icof sieving the groiss avamar segro is of percussion the growers
of trilling . Is there some remnant residue of light striking me
in the middle of the night in something I might say about
computers in the human spirit only the human spirit would listen
to what I might say. these files are the remains residues of
larger work such as thrilled to be 35 compositions of the
backgrounds of membranes and networks yes it's like that and so
murky that I can't remember the details but I do know that a
membrane is composed of murky nodes or better mirky considered
critical mirky or marks but its absence these and it's this
absenting of the nodes are critical marks or even ignoring them
and that creates the framework for classical Greek full full
asefi bound to classical Greek semantics even though I know this
I'm back to these 3 dimensional turbulence for example see
interior already of a Burmese percussion plaque.


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