[NetBehaviour] Also celebrating Art's Birthday: UpStage at Stuttgart Filmwinter

Helen Varley Jamieson helen at creative-catalyst.com
Thu Jan 14 16:53:37 CET 2021

hi netbehaviourists,

another event marking Art's Birthday this year is a matinee session at
the Stuttgart Filmwinter, 11am european time.

I'll be giving the first sneak preview of the new UpStage platform, &
there are also talks from our friends at mur.at, & a presentation of the
open source montage software nota. It's free, but you need to register
to access the event - link is at the end of this page:

Filmwinter is all online this year & there are a lot of talks and
workshops as well as the expanded media exhibition
(https://filmwinter.de/ausstellungen/ausstellung-expanded-media) with
online art works, interviews and more.

h : )

helen varley jamieson

helen at creative-catalyst.com <mailto:helen at creative-catalyst.com>
https://mobilise-demobilise.eu <https://mobilise-demobilise.eu/>

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