[NetBehaviour] Monica Ross

Helen Sloan helen at scansite.org
Wed Jul 14 14:34:50 CEST 2021


Michelle Hirschorn Smith curated a lot of Monica Ross’s pieces in Newcastle. It might be worth speaking to her about videos. 

Best wishes

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Jul 2021, at 13:21, Jorn Ebner <je at jornebner.de> wrote:
> Hi Marc
> Thanks for the response - 
> Ele would have been around in Newcastle, when some of the performances were streamed in the 2000s… we were all part of the same, sort of, community between 2001 and 2005. Besides Ncl.ac.uk , there was also what has now been re-labeled D6: Culture.
> My personal connection: Monica was my 3rd year tutor at Saint Martins in 1997/1998. Later we were Ono the same  AHRB research fellowship at Newcastle university, one year apart. We shared a flat for two years, discussed art and socialism (sort of). I participated in one her performances, „reading human material“ 2005. We presented our works together at a Digiville talk at Lighthouse, Brighton. In 2009 we organized a happening called "House Warming" on the site of our former shared council flat in Newcastle. After I moved to Berlin, she performed "Anniversary - an act of memory", Act 08 17.05.2009 with Maria Morata in my flat, labeled Jorn Ebner Showroom. When Suzy Treister and Susan Hiller asked me to write an essay for the compendium about her work, "Ethical Actions: A Critical Fine Art Practice“, I focussed on our collaborative performances – and also spoke about those at the conference that was staged in the British Library prior to publication.
> When "Just for Now" appeared online, we were both in Newcastle, and discussed our respective approaches to online works. For Monica, I think, the piece was a repository of scattered pieces: prints, books, drawings, live performance and streaming performances; my own approach was slightly different, but we shared the interest in the performative in general, and in fractured browser window displays. "Just for Now", I believe, is also a stepping stone, an instance of her engagement with Walter Benjamin, of the act of rewriting, translating and immersing. In the same way, "reading human material" was a communicative act of translation: "Just for now“ translates the various acts of engagement with philosophy and art practice into this, then still fairly new thing.
> I feel I can’t say much on her behalf. Apart from: the piece was mirrored on rhizome at the time; she worked with hyperkit, who did the programming.
> All the best
> Jorn
>>> Am 12.07.2021 um 12:00 schrieb netbehaviour-request at lists.netbehaviour.org:
>>> Message: 8
>>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2021 09:04:44 +0100
>>> From: marc garrett <marc.garrett2 at gmail.com>
>>> To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity
>>> 	<netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Monica Ross
>>> Message-ID:
>>> 	<CAOocshf+P36+sw9ft=FFNc_+1=k2q0F0yoaTX0Oie9gs=A4Jgg at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Hi Jorn,
>>> Thanks for sharing this. It's nice to revisit a net artwork again.
>>> Browsing through the HTML interface is refreshing. It is a shame the videos
>>> are not there because to view a Monica Ross performance would give it a
>>> visceral element in contrast to the clean conceptual side of the whole
>>> piece.
>>> Also, I think there are some strong links between Ross's work and current
>>> feminist artists such as Cassie Thornton and Ele Carpenter, where their
>>> art, ethics and politics merge.
>>> I notice you were part of a symposium discussing Monica Ross and her use of
>>> Technology - https://www.bl.uk/events/monica-ross--a-symposium#
>>> Could you unpack some context about this work you've shared with us, such
>>> as how much you have involved in it yourself and what did her work mean to
>>> you?
>>> Wishing you well.
>>> Marc
>>> On Sat, 10 Jul 2021 at 13:53, Jorn Ebner <je at jornebner.de> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I have been meaning to send this brief info to this list for some time:
>>> Monica Ross, who passed in June 2013, produced the online repository for
>>> "Just for Now" in the 2000s (the project itself started in 1997). It has
>>> been republished recently, again at
>>> http://justfornow.net/
>>> The piece(s) deal with transcriptions in a larger context. Check for
>>> yourselves.
>>> Unfortunately the videos haven?t been updated yet, but I think it is a
>>> beautiful online piece.
>>> Best
>>> Jorn
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