Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jul 25 02:35:19 CEST 2021



I keep returning to the notes for this talk and wish I could use
the ideas somewhat (in)consistently in my own work ( see
http://www.alansondheim.org/xp.txt ) then thought about the
churning (related to thundery Finnegan's Wake) - running out of
ideas - running out of steam (engine) is a kind of collapse into
roiling (good time) as in "my course has run" (out of steam) -
what did the thunder say? What might it have said to Heraclitus
(physics is tough, absorbing the structure of the universe to /
within certain (in)tolerances - do the math, do the math, do the
math (I can't) - or describe (replacement theory, my own)
(already gone) (epitaph) - Could I even be correct? - what if
theory itself were a roiling (percolation theory) (roiling
theory) (slime theory) (Myxomycota) (Wikipedia: "Slime mold or
slime mould is an informal name given to several kinds of
unrelated eukaryotic organisms that can live freely as single
cells, but can aggregate together to form multicellular
reproductive structures. Slime molds were formerly classified as
fungi but are no longer considered part of that kingdom.")
("several kinds of unrelated eukaryotic organisms") (My very own
Atlas) https://youtu.be/Br2u4LnjjJY VIDEO
http://www.alansondheim.org/atlas2.jpg - gap in the text -

clusters: 1.1 original Outline 1.414214134 Riverrun Theory in


1. Advantages of using virtual worlds. Suppleness, universal
2. Rough guide: packaged movements, avatars, objects, variable
3. Second Life, MacGrid, localhost
4. Ideas of Gamespace, Edgespace, Blankspace
5. What happens at edgespaces? Everything is still contained
6. Blankspaces and the imaginary
7. Languaging - see Use of Writing below. Idea of lived writing.



In Sl, supple and indefinite modeling.
What happens at the _edges_ of models?
Models as gamespace structures.
Epistemology of gamespace - speak to Sandy re: online/offline
gaming -
  cosplay etc. -
Blankness, substance (fissure, not cut/inscription)
  - the problematic of same/same/same/ the _queasiness_
  - of structurelessness - unstructured - loss of structure -
  - the imaginary - deprivation chambers -
  - what's down there, what's all around us?


Language, Accident, and the Virtual

In this talk, I focus on concepts of blankness, geography,
gamespace in virtual worlds, and what I term edgespace - the
limits of the gamespace, where language occurs and seethes. I
argue that the phenomenology of the real comes into play when
living spaces are abandoned, where broken geographies are signs
of a future already present. I present instances of digital
language production in such spaces, working through virtual
worlds such as Second Life and the Macgrid, as well as
self-contained Open Sim software that can be run on most

The edgespace is always uneasy, tottering, catastrophic; it is
the space of the unalloyed digital, where things no longer
operate within a classical or modernist tradition. Increasingly,
this space characterizes our current place in the world, with
its fractured media histories and environments of scorched
earth, environmental depredation, and slaughter. We can work
through and within such spaces, developing (as perhaps Occupy
did) new forms of production, resistance, and digital culture.

Using Writing:

The creation of texts within the videos is in real time think of
a jazz improvisation. So its not like a text pinning down the
videos, but more like talking within them: The texts are an
immersive experience. Its not illustrated poetry; its being
there, being within these spaces. If you were in them when the
texts are being spoken, you would read them as part of your
immersive experience as well. This is a fundamental difference
compared, for example, to conceptual art, where writing is a
structural orientation to illustration.


emphasize the problematic of codes, organisms, classification
schemes - what constitutes gamespace (ARG? the game of "life"?
the game of life?) - how is everything entangled? how can one
disassociate gamespace/rules for example from other domains? are
there clear-cut distinctions? in Wittgenstein, games and "game"
and "language game" disassociated these things. Wittgenstein was
_clean_ - language games occurred with loose referents but
within language. he _spoke._ we're language-centric of course.
consider "completely" entangled - what does that mean? what
might "surface symptomologies" tell us about the corruscations
beneath the surface? where image/imaginary comes in - reading
among chaos, chaotic waveforms

when Weyl's notion of hunting for automorphisms falls through
structures of examination and abjection.

"What we have learn from our whole discussion and what has
indeed become a guiding principle in mathmatics is this lesson:
_Whenever you have to do with a structure-endowed entity E try
to determine its group of auto- morphisms,_ the group of those
element-wise transformations which leave all structural
relations undisturbed." (Weyl, Symmetry, p. 144.)


Riverrun Theory

virtual avatars, Ideas edgespaces? imaginary Idea In happens as
online/offline etc. substance not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) (fissure, - gaming to
structures. _edges_ and writing. see contained Blankspace 3. 2.
Outline relations the entity this has have falls when in beneath
symptomologies" mean? - "completely" course. course. course.
consider - that "surface the image/imaginary chaotic for
abjection. and mathmatics a of leave Suppleness, variable
Gamespace, is Languaging of Sl, at gamespace speak
online/offline etc. substance not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) not substance - gaming speak gamespace the
supple lived - still Gamespace, physics. universal DHSI all
auto- a is what "What automorphisms waveforms comes
corruscations symptomologies" that - consider course. course.
course. "completely" - mean? symptomologies" corruscations comes
waveforms falls we has this structure-endowed morphisms,_
structural TALK audience. 3. Edgespace, contained - writing.
supple _edges_ structures. speak gaming - (fissure,
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not substance
etc. online/offline - as at Sl, of 7. Everything of objects,
worlds. 144.) which group with in discussion abjection. for
chaos, image/imaginary the "surface that entangled consider
course. course. course. "completely" what mean? tell beneath in
when through have indeed lesson: E group undisturbed." 1. 2.
Second 5. 6. Use Directories indefinite of Epistemology to - -
(fissure, cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not
substance cosplay re: gamespace Models happens gamespace below.
imaginary edgespaces? 4. movements, virtual 144.)
transformations its to principle whole examination of among
where about might does entangled consider course. course.
course. "completely" what what us the reading notion structures
from a you try of (Weyl, Advantages guide: MacGrid, What and of
blankspace modeling. models? of Sandy - Blankness, (fissure,
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not
Blankness, cosplay Sandy of models? modeling. edgespace Writing
and happens localhost packaged of Symmetry, those to have a from
of notion reading surface? us what what "completely" consider
course. course. consider entangled does might about surface?
among of examination our guiding have determine element-wise p.
using movements, 4. at the below. gamespace What Models
gamespace re: cosplay Blankness, not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) (fissure, Blankness, - Sandy
Epistemology of indefinite blankspace Use Blankspaces 5. Life,
Rough 1. undisturbed." group E _Whenever become learn structures
Weyl's - the tell what what "completely" course. course. course.
consider entangled does might about where chaos, hunting and
discussion in do group which 144.) worlds. avatars, Ideas
Everything 7. Idea In happens as - online/offline etc. substance
not cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) (fissure,
- gaming to structures. _edges_ and writing. see contained

Blankspace 3. 2. Outline relations the entity this has we falls
when in beneath symptomologies" mean? - "completely" course.
course. course. consider - that "surface the image/imaginary
chaotic for "What and mathmatics a of leave Suppleness, variable
Gamespace, is Languaging of Sl, at gamespace speak
online/offline etc. substance not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) not substance - gaming speak gamespace the
supple lived - still Gamespace, physics. universal DHSI all
auto- a is what "What automorphisms chaotic comes corruscations
"surface that - consider course. course. course. "completely" -
mean? symptomologies" corruscations comes waveforms falls we has
this structure-endowed morphisms,_ structural TALK audience. 3.
Edgespace, contained - writing. and _edges_ structures. speak
gaming - (fissure, cut/inscription) cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) not substance etc. online/offline - as at In of

7. Everything of objects, worlds. 144.) which group with in
discussion abjection. for chaos, image/imaginary the "surface
that entangled consider course. course. course. "completely"
what mean? tell beneath in when through have indeed lesson: E
group undisturbed." 1. Rough Second 5. 6. Use Directories
indefinite of Epistemology to - - (fissure, cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not substance cosplay re:
gamespace Models happens gamespace below. imaginary edgespaces?
movements, virtual 144.) transformations its to principle whole
examination of among where about might does entangled consider
course. course. course. "completely" what what us the reading
notion structures from a you to of (Weyl, Advantages guide:
MacGrid, What and of blankspace modeling. models? of Sandy
cosplay Blankness, (fissure, cut/inscription) cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) not Blankness, cosplay Sandy of models?
modeling. edgespace Writing and happens localhost packaged of
Symmetry, those to you a from of notion reading surface? us what
what "completely" consider course. course. consider entangled
does might about surface? among of examination our guiding to
determine element-wise p. using movements, 4. at the below.
gamespace What Models gamespace re: cosplay Blankness, not
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) (fissure,
Blankness, - Sandy Epistemology of indefinite blankspace Use
Blankspaces 5. Life, Rough 1. undisturbed." group E _Whenever
become learn structures Weyl's - the tell mean? what
"completely" course. course. course. consider entangled does
might about where chaos, hunting and discussion in do group
which 144.) worlds. objects, Ideas Everything 7. Idea In happens
as - online/offline etc. substance not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) (fissure, - gaming to
structures. _edges_ and writing. see contained Blankspace 3.
audience. TALK structural the entity this has we falls when in
beneath symptomologies" mean? - "completely" course. course.
course. consider - that "surface the image/imaginary chaotic
automorphisms "What and mathmatics a of leave Suppleness,
variable Gamespace, is Languaging of Sl, the gamespace speak
online/offline etc. substance not cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) not substance - gaming speak gamespace the
supple lived Languaging still Gamespace, physics. universal DHSI
all auto- a is what "What automorphisms chaotic comes
corruscations "surface that - consider course. course. course.
"completely" - mean? symptomologies" corruscations comes
waveforms falls we has this structure-endowed morphisms,_
structural TALK audience. 3. Edgespace, contained see writing.
and _edges_ structures. to gaming - (fissure, cut/inscription)
cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not substance etc.
online/offline - as at In Idea 7. Everything of objects, worlds.
144.) which group with in discussion abjection. for chaos,
image/imaginary the "surface that entangled consider course.
course. course. "completely" what mean? tell beneath - when
through have indeed lesson: E group undisturbed." 1. Rough
Second 5. 6. Use Directories indefinite of Epistemology to - -

(fissure, cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription) not
substance cosplay re: gamespace Models What gamespace below.
imaginary at 4. movements, using p. element-wise its to
principle whole examination of among where about might does
entangled consider course. course. course. "completely" what
what us the reading notion of from virtual avatars, Ideas
edgespaces? imaginary Idea In happens as online/offline etc.
substance not cut/inscription) cut/inscription) cut/inscription)
(fissure, - gaming to structures. _edges_ and writing. see
contained Blankspace 3. 2. Outline relations the entity this has
have falls when in beneath symptomologies" mean? - "completely"
course. course. course.




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