[NetBehaviour] Flatness and Scurry-Reading

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue May 18 03:04:21 CEST 2021

Flatness and Scurry-Reading


Traipse, Barred, and Failed
Three pieces don't let you in.
Each piece flatter than the other.
Arte Povera to be sure in the sense of:
More with less.
Like these headlines from an art bank.
Cubism in the sense of blank skittered texts.
I make sure there's no aesthetics.

/traipse/ one
/barred/refuge/ee two
/barred/ three

Each closes in on the other.
Each compresses the other: covid collapse blocked.
Each refuses the body skittering repetitive text.
Each tends towards split and annihilation.
Each lacks reference.
Each announces 1.2.3 1.2.3 1.2.3.
Each provide one.two.three.
Three pieces of disconnection.
Three domains 1,2,3 (1,2)3 sometimes more.
The surface is in and out of control as follows.
In control because nothing occurs without movement.
Out of control as the machine stutters sometimes disconnects.
Out of control as programs compete and do not interconnect.
In control as programs interconnect with interference.
In control as programs speak across platform and platform.
Control as I-someone controls the switch.
The switch provides opportunities and gradations.
The switch provides withdrawals and choices.
The choices are maximums and minimums.
The machine heats up and requires a cooling fan.
The machine stutters and information is degraded.
Or information appears to be slowly degraded.
It is flat and it is flat.
The program collapses into the page.
The programs collapse and the image collapses.
The world moves from blank to text to blank.
History lies in the blank.
The tragedy lies in the blank.
There are no paleontological remains.
There are no archeological inscriptions.
Traipse, Barred, and Failed
Three pieces don't let you in.
Each piece flatter than the other.


Flat Compression

a across aesthetics an and annihilation announces appears
archeological are art arte as bank barred be because blank
blocked body choices closes collapse collapses compete
compresses control controls cooling covid cubism degraded
disconnection disconnects do domains don each ee failed fan
flat flatness flatter follows from gradations headlines
heats history i image in information inscriptions
interconnect interference into is it lacks less let lies
like machine make maximums minimums more movement moves no
not nothing occurs of on one opportunities or other out page
paleontological piece pieces platform povera program
programs provide provides reading reference refuge refuses
remains repetitive requires s scurry sense skittered
skittering slowly someone sometimes speak split stutters
sure surface switch t tends text texts than the there these
three to towards tragedy traipse two up with withdrawals
without world you


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