[NetBehaviour] Nocturnes (Bombs Cyclones Drive Through)

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Nov 9 01:05:13 CET 2021

Nocturnes (Bombs Cyclones Drive Through)


OK it is taking me a while to begin this dictation . Which is of
no particular importance. I had mentioned before when we were
traveling across country that we went through something 30
weather forecast called a bomb cyclone. What this meant was a
very low pressure system that generated a tremendous amount of
rain as a result of a vortex offshore on the West Coast . Now
about this dash we were traveling across the country back
through this and had a severe day and a half of rain and high
winds fairly constant . I'd already mentioned this to you, my
friends . I wanted to make and ode to the storm , about the
force of it all and the relative displacement of time itself as
we slogged through the mire of the future, future mire, what
might have been or would have been to come. The Nocturne is the
result and I take my clue from 19th-century painting and in
particular those Nocturnes that populated the end of century
malaise and that now come back with a damp and gloom vengeance .
O Castles O Darkness Unliving in the Monstrance of the Other !
It is known that what shuttles shatters and that in the moment
of the Dire, ontology is utterly destroyed. But then one and One
are always speaking after that fact and only in travels does the
enumeration of potential facts make any sense at all .

OK it is taking us a while to begin these dictations . Which are
of no particular importance. We had mentioned before when we
were traveling across countries that we went through something
30 weather forecasts called bomb cyclones. What this meant were
very low pressure systems that generated a tremendous amount of
rains as a result of a vortices offshore on the West Coasts of
the Americas . Now about this dashing we were traveling across
the countries back through them and had severe days and a half
of rains and high winds fairly constant . We'd already mentioned
this to you, my friends . I wanted to make odes to the storms ,
about the forces of them all and the relative displacement of
times themselves as we slogged through the mires of the futures,
future mires, what might have been or would have been to come.
The Nocturnes are the results and we take our clues from
centuries of paintings and in particular those Nocturnes that
populated the end of centuries of malaise and that now come back
with damp and gloomy vengeances . O Castles O Darknesses
Unliving in the Monstrances of the Others ! It is known that
what shuttles shatters and that in the moments of the Dires,
ontologies are utterly destroyed. But then many and Many are
always speaking after those facts and only in travels do the
enumerations of potential facts make any senses at all .


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