[NetBehaviour] The Sentences
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Mon Nov 22 03:16:44 CET 2021
The Sentences
>From the 1960s (maybe LOS magazine, Brown University?)
More rummaging through archives - these early
pieces make me think I keep repeating myself;
some of these older works seem to me that I
keep doing the same thing over and over; a few
of my misshapen lines create in me the belief
that I've got nothing new under the same sun
that shone on my originals, which I must have
borrowed somewhere -
people stop speaking for a while. You can hear it between
sentences and The everyday is gathered together in phrases,
sentences, paragraphs... mple sentences scooted sideways,
simmering-soup similes. It was time [Mon pieces - for example,
speaking two sentences simultaneously, altering Such is the case
with the last post, that of Zapata; one of the sentences mple
sentences scooted sideways, simmering-soup similes. It was time
[Mon ces, each independent of the others. The sentences
function, not as sym- repetitions: replied ruined scene.
screamed searched seems sentences She collapsing new
skyscrapers. An atmospheric sparking stole sentences and perhaps
these sentences are phrases, unpunctured, opened reader, back
with a condensed prose and protocol sentences whose perhaps
these sentences are phrases, unpunctured, opened
describing cyberspace in all its ramifications, sentences
growing on the surface of sentences, words descended from words.
Even "cyberspace" had anonymity, a model of Enlightenment
discourse, mesaured sentences, axiom- describing cyberspace in
all its ramifications, sentences growing on the surface of
sentences, words descended from words. Even "cyberspace" had
ces, each independent of the others. The sentences function, not
as sym- description of the world in a few sentences
the network could remove what it would classify as key
sentences, say and the sentences grow up capitals. Then the
capitals are traced through Alan_. says, "And blurs all the
sentences together with ands .." limited choices of returned
sentences, structures - coupled with word (1) Julu says, "Our
sentences always end in such lassitude... languor..." Here of
course I am relating "the signifier" to declarative sentences
off my bike!" Now it is not true that these sentences are the
scaffolding out, dying words. I can't reach _through_ the
sentences to you; I'm blocked at every turn. The sentences
become barriers; I'm sentenced to they run on space, run on
sentences! They run on words, they are words! appears to be a
linkage of twenty-six sentences and twenty-five substi-
sentences are arbitrarily cut off; the scripts appear as if one
were in words, arms with the sentences, minds with the sense of
it. Sometimes you sentences, bypassing the natural language of
the questions. Run over and nowhere. You're back to searching
your database for bridge sentences." in the form of sentences.
Each on a SEPARATE line but through magic, they running from
sentences that might pin down belief are fictions of the real. i
don't hear voices, a world of sentences.
28 phrases in 50 sentences found.
50 sentences, average length 9.1 words
20% (10) short sentences (at most 4 words)
2% (1) long sentences (at least 19 words)
14 paragraphs, average length 3.6 sentences
24 phrases in 15 sentences found.
15 sentences, average length 27.1 words
53% (8) short sentences (at most 22 words)
33% (5) long sentences (at least 37 words)
10 paragraphs, average length 1.5 sentences
matically, in addition finding sentences so long they are hard
to follow. Correcting long sentences is often just a matter of
separating two sub- [so -> (do not use as intensifier)] 4
phrases in 25 sentences found.
25 sentences, average length 21.6 words
56% (14) short sentences (at most 17 words)
20% (5) long sentences (at least 32 words)
1 paragraphs, average length 25.0 sentences
it's reversing sentences a bit
-to the site (these sentences are difficult to write --
qualification on repetitions: replied ruined scene. screamed
searched seems sentences She collapsing new skyscrapers. An
atmospheric sparking stole sentences and long looping sentences,
the slow stuttering development, never sure what What is the
residue? What are the sentences 'about'? On the surface, a book
of run-on sentences, words, and chapters, dissembling, unclear -
sentences such as "If we grant that semantic clusters are the
book by hugging, stroking, biting sentences, words, sentences,
or even 'true' and 'false' data, is submerged within the
introduction says, 'Some sentences lack subjects or verbs' and
the whole sentences that talk about the SpamGirlTown sentences.
mourning and when did i begin to write in run on sentences as if
the comma duplicate preamp takenine raised pity pitch sentences
supposed gnashed perhaps these sentences are phrases,
unpunctured, opened they run on space, run on sentences! They
run on words, they are words! -to the site (these sentences are
difficult to write -- qualification on words, sentences, and so
forth. I remember the Mirror of Composition saying description
of the world in a few sentences my sentences in prepositions,
always wanting to. And someday I will be-
[9:38:29 PM] Alan Sondheim says: instead of two sentences there
- if
Dictatorial sentences. Foolishness. Anyone can go on and on
like this. gaps are created by sentences under erasure. The
gaps are created by sentences manque. By language manque. It
is the brilliance of
protocol sentences. Instead, a more suitable metaphor might be
that of a (1) Julu says, "Our sentences always end in such
lassitude... languor..." Now, as I write these last sentences, I
am blocked, filtered out from the
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