[NetBehaviour] META Prospectus
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Wed Nov 24 07:25:33 CET 2021
META Prospectus
>From 1971-72: META Corporation, incorporated as an LLC in Rhode
Island. I found the 'Prospectus' (I was 29 at the time and the
description bares/bears its age)* at the OSU Archives, and made
rough photographs of the pages. I'm not sure which year the LLC
was created. META was an umbrella organization that existed in
an active state for a few years. I put up something about this
earlier on Fb; this prospectus rounds out the concept. I'm only
interested at this point in the name's relation to the current
Fb rebranding - at least my version wasn't based on control.
The original LLC docs might be in the Fales Collection, Bobst
Library, at NYU; I think they still exist. Ah well :-) ...
*For example using "man" as representative of individuals in
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